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  Level 2 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [إيجار] payment, usually of an amount fixed by contract

Spelling Word: rent
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n. [تشابه] likeness; similarity in appearance or external or superficial details

Spelling Word: resemblance
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v. [استرداد] recover; find and bring in; get back

Spelling Word: retrieve
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n. [الأعشاب البحرية] plant growing in the sea, especially marine algae

Spelling Word: seaweed
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n. [حساسية] ability to feel or perceive; keen intellectual perception

Spelling Word: sensibility
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ad. [بسلاسة] in a smooth manner; successfully; easily

Spelling Word: smoothly
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n. [مركز] position relative to others; standing

Spelling Word: status
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a. [قاسية] not moving or operating freely; lacking ease in bending; resistant

Spelling Word: stiff
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n. [الحقيبة] portable rectangular traveling bag for carrying clothes

Spelling Word: suitcase
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v. [سرب] move or gather in large numbers; be overrun

Spelling Word: swarm