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n. [vực thẳm] enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit; any deep, immeasurable space; hell

Spelling Word: abyss
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a. [aver] good-natured and likable; lovable; warmly friendly

Spelling Word: amiable
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a. [khổ tu] leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial; austere

Spelling Word: ascetic
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v. [công kích] assault; attack with or as if with violent blows

Spelling Word: assail
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a. [rụt rè] abashed; daunted; very modest, or modest excess; constitutionally disposed to shrink from public notice

Spelling Word: bashful
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v. [bao vây] attack from all sides; trouble persistently; hem in

Spelling Word: beset
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a. [bí mật] secret; conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods

Spelling Word: clandestine
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n. [clasp] fastening device; firm grip

Spelling Word: clasp
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a. [hoà nhã] pleasing or attractive to the eye; handsome; graceful

Spelling Word: comely
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n. [ngã mạn] overly high self-esteem; feelings of excessive pride

Spelling Word: conceit