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  Level 5 - 3 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [修道院] house of religious retirement, or of seclusion from ordinary temporal concerns, especially for monks

Spelling Word: monastery
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n. [吐き気] the feeling of sickness in the stomach by an urge to vomit; strong aversion; disgust

Spelling Word: nausea
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a. [肥満] extremely fat; grossly overweight

Spelling Word: obese
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a. [妨害臭] any smell, whether fragrant or offensive; scent; perfume

Spelling Word: odour
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v. [不快] strike against; attack; assail; make angry; affront

Spelling Word: offend
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n. [法外] of the nature of an outrage; exceeding the limits of right, reason

Spelling Word: outrageous
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a. [厚かましい] overconfident; going beyond what is right or proper; excessively forward

Spelling Word: presumptuous
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v. [創世記] command against; banish;  not allow something  

Spelling Word: proscribe
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v. [粉砕する] pound, crush, or grind to powder or dust

Spelling Word: pulverize
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n. [償還] one that is turned or applied to for aid or security; resort for help or protection; access or admittance

Spelling Word: recourse