[Esc] (1) a. Syn. entitled; qualified; suitable (право) qualified; desirable and worthy of choice, especially for marriage
[Esc] (2) a. Syn. tremendous; huge; massive (огромный) very great in size, extent, number, or degrees; huge; massive
[Esc] (3) v. (потрошить) take away a vital or essential part of
[Esc] (4) a. Syn. outstanding; splendid (отлично) surpassing others in some good quality or the sum of qualities; of great worth; eminent, in a good sense
[Esc] (5) n. Syn. trip; journey (экскурсии) trip; usually short journey made for pleasure
[Esc] (6) n. (Исполнительный) role of government which makes sure that laws are carried out; administrator
[Esc] (7) v. Syn. stimulate (веселить) cause to feel happily refreshed and energetic; fill with emotion
[Esc] (8) n. Syn. side (грань) small, smooth, flat surface, as on a bone or tooth; side; a smooth surface
[Esc] (9) a. Syn. dim; feeble; weak (слабый) lacking strength or vigor ; weak
[Esc] (10) n. Syn. holiday (фестиваль) a day or period of time for feasting and celebration