[Esc] (2) a. (متشككه) marked by or given to doubt; questioning
[Esc] (3) n. (علم الاجتماع) branch of philosophy which treats of the constitution, phenomena, and development of human society; social science
[Esc] (4) a. Syn. excellent; wonderful (رائع) of unusually high quality; excellent; wonderful
[Esc] (5) n. (ندوة) collection of writings on a particular topic, as in a magazine; meeting or conference for discussion of a topic; drinking together; merry feast
[Esc] (6) v. Syn. stop; end (أنهي) stop; bring to an end or halt
[Esc] (7) n. (شهادة) solemn declaration or affirmation; something that serves as evidence
[Esc] (8) n. Syn. wood; lumber (خشب) wood; lumber; trees or wooded land considered as a source of wood
[Esc] (9) a. Syn. permissive; open-minded; easy-going (التسامح) showing respect for the rights of others; open-minded; showing capacity for endurance
[Esc] (10) n. Syn. transfer; graft (زرع) act of uprooting and moving a plant to a new location