nadir | (نادر) lowest point; point on sphere opposites zenith diametrically |
naivete | (naivete) lack of sophistication, experience, judgment or worldliness; simplicity; artlessness; gullibility |
narcotic | (دروی) addictive drug, such as opium, that reduces pain, alters mood and behavior; inducing sleep |
nascent | (ابتدائی) incipient; coming into existence; emerging |
nauseate | (نفرت) cause to become sick; fill with disgust |
navigable | (ناوی) wide and deep enough to allow ships to pass through; able to be steered |
nebulous | (nebulous) lacking definite form or limits; hazy; cloudy |
necromancy | (کالا جادو) belief in magical spells to produce unnatural effects; practice of supposedly communicating with spirits of dead ones to predict future |
negate | (نکارنا) cancel out; make ineffective or invalid; deny |
neglect | (نظرانداز) disregard; ignore; pay little or no attention to |
negligible | (نگنی) so small, trifling, or unimportant that it may be easily disregarded |
negotiation | (گفتگو) discussion intended to produce an agreement |
neologism | (neologism) new or newly invented word or phrase |
neonate | (nemesis neonate) newborn infant, especially one less than four weeks old |
neophyte | (neonate neophyte) recent convert to a belief; one newly initiated |
nepotism | (nepotism) favoring of relatives or friends because of their relationship rather than their abilities |
nettle | (nettle) cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations; vex |
neutral | (نیوٹرل) impartial; not supporting one side over another |
neutron | (نیوٹران) elementary particle with 0 charge and mass about equal to a proton |
nicety | (mischance nicety) precision; subtle difference in meaning, opinion, or attitude |