3500 ACT Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (7) - Matching Quizzes |
(生理上或智力上的缺陷,残疾,智力低下) disadvantage; physical disability; cripple; hinder; impede | |
(牢固的,深入扎根的,深入人心的) deeply established; firmly rooted | |
(非主流,异端) unorthodox; unconventional; not in agreement with accepted beliefs, especially in church doctrine | |
(障碍物) something that holds back or causes problems with something else; obstacle |
(过度崇拜) worship of idols; excessive admiration | |
(胰岛素) hormone secreted by the isles | |
(艰苦的,勇敢的) in robust and good health; able to survive under unfavorable conditions | |
(不注意的,疏忽的) not intentional; not on purpose; careless; negligent; inattentive |
(过度的,极端的,放纵的) not temperate or moderate; excessive, especially in use of alcoholic beverages | |
(提高,升高,加深) enhance; hoist; raise or increase the quantity or degree of; intensify | |
(障碍物) something that holds back or causes problems with something else; obstacle | |
(无害的,不触犯人的,让人不讨厌的) harmless; innocent; giving no offense |
(侦查,调查,验尸) formal investigation, often held before a jury; judicial inquiry | |
(园艺的) pertaining to cultivation of gardens or orchards | |
(冲动的,鲁莽的) marked by sudden and violent force; hasty; impulsive and passionate | |
(使均匀) equalize; become similar, as by mixing |
(犹豫的) hesitant; faltering; imperfect or defective | |
(影响) forceful consequence; strong effect; influencing strongly | |
(照射) expose to radiation; cast rays of light upon | |
(会意的,意会而不言传,暗示的) implied or understood though not directly expressed |
(惰性的,不活跃的) inactive; lacking power to move; unable to move or act | |
(侦查,调查,验尸) formal investigation, often held before a jury; judicial inquiry | |
(影响) forceful consequence; strong effect; influencing strongly | |
(沉着冷静,平静) unshakably calm; placid; incapable of being disturbed or disconcerted |
(生理上或智力上的缺陷,残疾,智力低下) disadvantage; physical disability; cripple; hinder; impede | |
(过度的,极端的,放纵的) not temperate or moderate; excessive, especially in use of alcoholic beverages | |
(艰苦的,勇敢的) in robust and good health; able to survive under unfavorable conditions | |
(冲动的,鲁莽的) marked by sudden and violent force; hasty; impulsive and passionate |
(使均匀) equalize; become similar, as by mixing | |
(使习惯于) apply in use; use or accustom till no pain or inconvenience; harden; habituate | |
(化身,具人形) person or thing regarded as embodying or exhibiting some quality, idea | |
(调查,研究) explore; observe or inquire into in detail; examine systematically |
(过度崇拜) worship of idols; excessive admiration | |
(单调的) lacking variety or excitement; monotonous | |
(无脊椎的,无脊椎动物,) animal, such as an insect, that lacks backbone or spinal column | |
(不合理的,不重要的) insignificant; lacking importance; not following from premises or evidence; illogical |
(怀疑,不相信) disbelief; doubt about the truth of something | |
(谆谆教导) teach and impress by frequent repetitions | |
(沉着冷静,平静) unshakably calm; placid; incapable of being disturbed or disconcerted | |
(注入,流入) flowing into; mass arrival or incoming |