Group (3) - Matching Quizzes |
(боковой) coming from side; situated at or extending to the side | |
(вывод) deduce; conclude from evidence or premises; lead to as a consequence or conclusion | |
(Физиология) branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms | |
(провокационные) arousing anger or interest; tending to provoke or stimulate |
(ясно) clearly; expressly | |
(взаимодействия) communication; a mutual or reciprocal action; interacting | |
(ученичество) contract binding one party into the service of another for a specified term | |
(маржи) border; rim; room |
(суши) a large continuous extent of land | |
(назначить) designate; appoint | |
(Мате) a fellow member of a team | |
(психоанализ) a set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders; based on the theories of Sigmund Freud |
(фонетика) branch of acoustics concerned with speech processes including its production and perception and acoustic analysis | |
(волшебный) possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers | |
(препятствие) any structure that makes progress difficult; stumbling-block | |
(инстинктивно) as a matter of instinct or nature |
(Мате) a fellow member of a team | |
(задумчивый) deeply, often dreamily thoughtful; engaged in serious thought or reflection; contemplative | |
(фонетика) branch of acoustics concerned with speech processes including its production and perception and acoustic analysis | |
(непрактичность) concerned with theoretical possibilities rather than actual use |
(частиц) composed of distinct particles | |
(лифт) direct or carry from a lower to a higher position; raise; transport by air | |
(назначить) designate; appoint | |
(смочить) dampen; humidify |
(покровительственно) arrogant; characteristic of those who treat others with condescension | |
(препятствие) any structure that makes progress difficult; stumbling-block | |
(многоклеточных) consisting of many cells | |
(изображения) acting the part of a character on stage; any likeness of a person |
(лифт) direct or carry from a lower to a higher position; raise; transport by air | |
(смочить) dampen; humidify | |
(неясным) darken; make dim or indistinct; conceal in obscurity | |
(патч) a piece of cloth; small area of ground covered by specific vegetation |
(брошюры) brochure; leaflet; a small book usually having a paper cover | |
(бесчисленные) countless; numerous | |
(стойких) constant; never-ceasing | |
(непрактичность) concerned with theoretical possibilities rather than actual use |
(брошюры) brochure; leaflet; a small book usually having a paper cover | |
(стойких) constant; never-ceasing | |
(частиц) composed of distinct particles | |
(смочить) dampen; humidify |