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(大合唱) story or poem set to music that can be sung by chorus

Spelling Word: cantata
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(调查,投票) determine votes; examine carefully or discuss thoroughly; scrutinize

Spelling Word: canvass
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(有能力的) having the ability required for a specific task

Spelling Word: capable
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(隆重的) marked by formality; strictly observant of or devoted to ceremony or ritual

Spelling Word: ceremonious
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(废物,糠,假货,开玩笑,打趣) trivial or worthless matter; thin dry bracts or scales, especially

Spelling Word: chaff
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(得意的笑) chuckle with delight; joyful laugh or chuckle; laugh quietly or with restraint

Spelling Word: chortle
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(说服力) power of proving or of producing belief; quality of being highly probable or convincing; force; credibility

Spelling Word: cogency
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(考虑) think earnestly or studiously; meditate; ponder; think deeply

Spelling Word: cogitate
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(报应) rebuke; punishment or retribution that one deserves; outcome which is justly deserved

Spelling Word: comeuppance
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(抱怨,怨言) expression of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment; criticism

Spelling Word: complaint