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(помосте) raised platform for guests of honor

Spelling Word: dais
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(замедление) slow down rate of advancement of; decrease speed of

Spelling Word: decelerate
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(декольте) having low-necked dress

Spelling Word: decollete
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(унылый) in low spirits from loss of hope or courage

Spelling Word: despondent
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(волнение) state of being discomposed; disorder; agitation; disturbance; inconsistency; disagreement

Spelling Word: discomposure
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(разлад) conflict; lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things

Spelling Word: discord
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(дискурсивной) tending to depart from main point or cover a wide range of subjects

Spelling Word: discursive
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(извергать) bring up and expel from throat or stomach; vomit; discharge or pour forth contents

Spelling Word: disgorge
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(тревоге) destroy courage or resolution by exciting dread; cause to lose enthusiasm

Spelling Word: dismay
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(рассеять) spend or expend wastefully; vanish by dispersion; drive away; disperse

Spelling Word: dissipate