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(促进,帮助,使变容易) help bring about; make less difficult

Spelling Word: facilitate
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(狂热的,盲目的) excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a belief or cause

Spelling Word: fanaticism
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(号角声) loud flourish of brass instruments, especially trumpets; spectacular public display

Spelling Word: fanfare
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(假装,捏造) make false appearance of; disguise; conceal; invent or imagine

Spelling Word: feign
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(炙热的,热情洋溢) extremely hot; eager; impassioned; burning

Spelling Word: fervid
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(断断续续,间歇) intermittently stopping and starting; irregular; variable; unstable

Spelling Word: fitful
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(健康) health; vigor; state or condition of being fit; suitability or appropriateness

Spelling Word: fitness
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(波动的,起伏的,摇摆不定的) rise and fall in or as if in waves; shift; vary irregularly

Spelling Word: fluctuate
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(前人,祖先) ancestor; person from whom one is descended

Spelling Word: forebear
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(不详的预感) expectation of misfortune; feeling of evil to come; unfavorable omen

Spelling Word: foreboding