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n. Syn. image
((藝術,文學)肖像,形象,形象化的比喻) ability to form mental images of things or events; figurative writing

Spelling Word: imagery
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(不切實際,辦不到) concerned with theoretical possibilities rather than actual use

Spelling Word: impracticality
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n. Syn. babyhood
(幼年,嬰儿期) babyhood

Spelling Word: infancy
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v. Syn. deduce; conclude
(推導,總結) deduce; conclude from evidence or premises; lead to as a consequence or conclusion

Spelling Word: infer
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n. Syn. decision; appraisal
(判斷) decision; appraisal

Spelling Word: judgement
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n. Syn. connection; joint; intersection; crossing
(連接,匯合處) connection; joint; intersection; crossing

Spelling Word: junction
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n. Syn. apposition
(並列,並置) act of positioning close together; side-by-side position

Spelling Word: juxtaposition
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(飾帶,花邊) delicate decorative fabric woven in an open web of symmetrical patterns; rope; cord that is drawn through eyelets

Spelling Word: lace
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v. Syn. circle; ring
(圈成環,纏繞) circle; ring; move in loops; make a [___] in; join with a loop

Spelling Word: loop
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a. Syn. impressionable
(有延展性的,可鍛的) capable of being shaped by pounding; impressionable

Spelling Word: malleable