10th Grade Words of the Day

This Words for the Day webpage helps grade 10 students learn words at their levels efficiently. In addition to showing words of the current day, the page also has words of the recent 15 or 50 days to review. It's a handy app for 10th-grade students to get words and their meanings, examples, and context sources.

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 Word of the Day for Grade 10
Specified Day: 2024-07-15

There is no new word today!
Every weekend, the first day of each month, winter break (Dec 23 to Jan 6), and summer (part of July and all of August) are word-free days.
Today has no new words, but you can review the recent ones from 2024-07-15.

Review Words:   Rrecent 15 days   Recent 50 days
Words of the recent 15 days
2024-07-12   (Back to the Day)
  xenophobia   speakExamples  
n. exaggerated or abnormal fear of strangers or foreigners
2024-07-11   (Back to the Day)
  utensil   speakExamples  
n. instrument, implement, or container for practical use, especially in kitchen or laboratory
  vignette   speakExamples  
n. unbordered picture, often a portrait; decorative design placed at beginning or end of book or chapter; short literary sketch
  whittle   speakExamples  
v. reduce or eliminate gradually, with knife; cut small bits off
2024-07-10   (Back to the Day)
  underwrite   speakExamples  
v. write under something else; subscribe; assume financial responsibility for; guarantee against failure
  unpronounceable   speakExamples  
a. impossible or difficult to pronounce correctly; very difficult to pronounce correctly
2024-07-09   (Back to the Day)
  unconscionable   speakExamples  
a. lacking conscience; greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
  undecipherable   speakExamples  
a. not easily deciphered; not able to be read or understood
  underhanded   speakExamples  
a. short-handed; clandestine; marked by deception
2024-07-08   (Back to the Day)
  teem   speakExamples  
v. be abuzz; be full of; move in large numbers
  tycoon   speakExamples  
n. wealthy and powerful businessperson or industrialist; magnate
2024-07-05   (Back to the Day)
  sprawl   speakExamples  
v. extend; stretch; spread; sit or lie with the body and limbs spread out awkwardly
  stymie   speakExamples  
v. present obstacle; stump; cause to fail or to leave hopelessly puzzled, confused, or stuck
2024-07-04   (Back to the Day)
  savant   speakExamples  
n. scholar; man of learning or science; one eminent for learning
  slovenly   speakExamples  
a. messy and dirty; careless and excessively casual
  sobriquet   speakExamples  
n. nickname; familiar name for person, typically shortened version of given name
2024-07-03   (Back to the Day)
  resuscitate   speakExamples  
v. restored to life; restore consciousness, vigor, or life to; revive
  retentive   speakExamples  
a. holding; having quality, power, or capacity of retaining, as to retain knowledge with ease
2024-07-02   (Back to the Day)
  repertoire   speakExamples  
n. list of works of music or drama; class of compositions in a genre; range or number of skills
  replica   speakExamples  
n. copy or reproduction of a work of art
  resilient   speakExamples  
a. elastic; having power of springing back or recover readily
2024-06-28   (Back to the Day)
  rendition   speakExamples  
n. translation, often interpretive; performance of a musical or dramatic work
  renege   speakExamples  
v. deny; go back on; fail to fulfill promise or obligation
2024-06-27   (Back to the Day)
  reclamation   speakExamples  
n. rescuing from error and returning to a rightful course
  rejuvenate   speakExamples  
v. make young again; restore to youthful vigor or appearance
  reminisce   speakExamples  
v. recollect and tell of past experiences or events; talk or write about memories of the past, especially pleasant memories
2024-06-26   (Back to the Day)
  rankle   speakExamples  
v. grow worse; cause persistent irritation or resentment
  raze   speakExamples  
v. destroy completely; scrape or shave off
2024-06-25   (Back to the Day)
  prestigious   speakExamples  
a. honored; respected; reputed; exerting influence by reason of high status
  pterodactyl   speakExamples  
n. extinct flying reptiles that existed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods
  pulchritude   speakExamples  
n. great physical beauty and appeal; attractive moral excellence; moral beauty
2024-06-24   (Back to the Day)
  preponderance   speakExamples  
n. superiority in numbers or amount
  prerequisite   speakExamples  
n. something that is required in advance; necessity; required as a prior condition
2024-06-21   (Back to the Day)
  pollination   speakExamples  
n. fertilization of plants by the agency of insects that carry pollen from one flower to another
  premiere   speakExamples  
a. first public performance, as of a movie or play; premier
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