Words of the recent 15 days
a. late; delayed; moving slowly
a. careful about money; economical
a. difficult or impossible to discipline, control, or rule; not according to rule; irregularly
v. breed; emerge from the egg
v. endure; be persistent, refuse to stop
n. unfortunate accident; bad luck
a. too old to be fashionable, suitable, or useful; obsolete; aged
n. a large group or crowd; wandering troop or gang; a moving crowd
n. air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement, especially when delusively alluring; magic spell
n. outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely; widely prevalent
v. raise; give a promotion to or assign to a higher position
v. acclaim; express approval, especially by clapping the hands
n. inquiry; doubt in the mind; mental reservation
v. defeat; cover completely or make imperceptible; overcome by superior force ; charge someone with too many tasks
n. tricky or dangerous situation; dilemma; troublesome
n. lack of trust or confidence
a. offering fun and gaiety; joyous; celebratory
a. not fitting; lacking in harmony or compatibility
a. inattentive or unmindful; lacking all memory; forgetful
a. unevenly cut; having the texture of something so cut; having a rough quality
n. necessary foods or commodities; basic elements; secure or fasten; a short U-shaped wire nail for securing cables
v. include; surround on all sides; close in
v. unlawfully enter boundaries of some else's property; commit an offense or a sin
a. of or relating to nonmilitary life
a. slightly obscure; unclear, confused, or uncertain
a. overjoyed; extremely happy and excited
a. concerning each of two or more persons or things; exchangeable; interacting
a. spread or scattered over a considerable extent; occurring or accepted widely
v. put out a fire; extinguish; put an end to; destroy
n. enclosure for confining livestock; enclosure formed by a circle of wagons for defense against attack during an encampment
a. unconquerable; incapable of being overcome
v. hide from view; wrap for burial; shut off from sight; shelter
n. elaborate and systematic plan; plan of action intended to accomplish a specific goal
a. being in proper time; timely; arranged in good order; orderly; appropriate; neat; kept in proper
n. most important thing; a fixed reference point; center of interest or activity
v. appear or take shape, usually in enlarged or distorted form