8th Grade Words of the Day

This Words for the Day webpage helps grade 8 students learn words at their levels efficiently. In addition to showing words of the current day, the page also has words of the recent 15 or 50 days to review. It's a handy app for 8th-grade students to get words and their meanings, examples, and context sources.

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 Word of the Day for Grade 8
Specified Day: 2024-07-15

There is no new word today!
Every weekend, the first day of each month, winter break (Dec 23 to Jan 6), and summer (part of July and all of August) are word-free days.
Today has no new words, but you can review the recent ones from 2024-07-15.

Review Words:   Rrecent 15 days   Recent 50 days
Words of the recent 15 days
2024-07-02   (Back to the Day)
  wildebeest   speakExamples  
n. a large African antelope having a head with horns like an ox and a long tufted tail
  yogurt   speakExamples  
n. a slightly sour, thick liquid made from milk with bacteria added to it
2024-06-28   (Back to the Day)
  unison   speakExamples  
n. corresponding exactly
n. two or more sounds or tones at the same pitch
  vitamin   speakExamples  
n. any of a group of natural substances that are necessary in small amounts for the growth and good health
2024-06-27   (Back to the Day)
  unicycle   speakExamples  
n. a vehicle like a bicycle with only one wheel
  unify   speakExamples  
v. integrate; make into or become one unit
2024-06-26   (Back to the Day)
  typhoon   speakExamples  
n. tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific; violent whirlwind
  unbreakable   speakExamples  
a. impossible to break especially under ordinary usage
2024-06-25   (Back to the Day)
  trajectory   speakExamples  
n. curved path an object follows after it is thrown or shot into the air
n. an object moving under the action of given forces
  tundra   speakExamples  
n. permanently frozen and treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America
2024-06-24   (Back to the Day)
  thermonuclear   speakExamples  
a. relating to nuclear reactions that happen only at very high temperatures
  thermos   speakExamples  
n. a special container that keeps drinks hot or cold
2024-06-21   (Back to the Day)
  technician   speakExamples  
n. one skilled particularly in the technical details of work
  terrapin   speakExamples  
n. a type of small North American turtle that lives in warm rivers and lakes
2024-06-20   (Back to the Day)
  sympathize   speakExamples  
v. understand and care about someone's problems
v. support and agree with someone or something
  synchronize   speakExamples  
v. happen at the same time; arrange or represent events so that they co-occur
2024-06-19   (Back to the Day)
  specialize   speakExamples  
v. study or work on a particular subject or skill more than any others; particularize
  sulfur   speakExamples  
n. a pale yellow chemical element that exists in various physical forms, it burns with a blue flame and a strong smell
2024-06-18   (Back to the Day)
  socialize   speakExamples  
v. take part in social activities; interact with others
  soloist   speakExamples  
n. a musician who performs a single
2024-06-17   (Back to the Day)
  saccharin   speakExamples  
n. a very sweet artificial substance that is used to replace sugar, as a calorie-free sweetener
  semicolon   speakExamples  
n. a punctuation mark ' ; ' used to connect independent clauses
2024-06-14   (Back to the Day)
  rectangle   speakExamples  
n. a flat shape with four sides and four right angles, with opposite sides of equal length
  reusable   speakExamples  
a. capable of being used again
2024-06-13   (Back to the Day)
  ravioli   speakExamples  
n. small squares of pasta, often filled with meat or cheese, that are cooked in boiling water
  reassure   speakExamples  
v. comfort someone and stop them from worrying; cause to feel sure or certain
2024-06-12   (Back to the Day)
  questionnaire   speakExamples  
n. form containing a set of questions, submitted to people to gain statistical information
  rapport   speakExamples  
n. a good understanding of someone; an ability to communicate well with people; emotional closeness
2024-06-11   (Back to the Day)
  promotional   speakExamples  
a. intended to advertise something in order to sell it
  quadruple   speakExamples  
v. increase fourfold; become four times as big
a. having four units or components
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