3000 ECPE Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (Q R) - Matching Quizzes |
(آمدنی) money which returns from an investment; annual income; reward | |
(dripstone) recurring with measured regularity; periodical | |
(qualm) sudden feeling of sickness or faintness; sudden attack of illness | |
(prodigious ragged) torn; worn; having an irregular surface or edge; uneven or jagged in outline |
(تجویز) suggest; bestow commendation on; represent favorably | |
(مذہبی) of religion; concerned with religion; having or showing belief in and reverence for God or a deity | |
(بقیہ) residue; something not used up | |
(باولا ریل) scold; express objections or criticisms in bitter, harsh, or abusive language |
(نمائندگی) stand for; describe or present; play a role or part | |
(مشابہت) be similar to; take after; look like | |
(نمائندے) one that represents anything; that which exhibits a likeness or similitude; agent | |
(مشہور ہونا) separate the fibers or threads of; clarify by separating the aspects of |
(یاد) remember; call back; cause to be returned | |
(رد) turn down; refuse to accept; dismiss from consideration | |
(بیڑا) a flat float made of logs or planks; a large number or amount or extent | |
(ڈانٹ) scold harshly; criticize severely |
(بقایا) remaining as a residue; surplus | |
(چھڑا) purchase back; regain possession of by payment; ransom or rescue from captivity; pay penalty; make amends for | |
(بحالی) rescuing from error and returning to a rightful course | |
(بقیہ) residue; something not used up |
(مشہور) famous; celebrated for great achievements, for distinguished qualities | |
(بقیہ) residue; something not used up | |
(کٹھور) stiff and unyielding; strict; hard and unbending; not flexible | |
(رم) border, edge, or margin of a thing, usually of something circular or curving |
(dripstone) recurring with measured regularity; periodical | |
(rugged) uneven; rough; very difficult | |
(رنگمنڈل) list of works of music or drama; class of compositions in a genre; range or number of skills | |
(مشہور) famous; celebrated for great achievements, for distinguished qualities |
(یاد) remember; call back; cause to be returned | |
(نمائندے) one that represents anything; that which exhibits a likeness or similitude; agent | |
(حربے) vacation spot; act of turning to for assistance | |
(راشن) restrict to limited allotments, as during wartime; allot; distribute |
(بولڈ) not perfected; having or caused by an irregular surface | |
(ھیاتی) ascribe a particular fact or characteristic to; consider; suppose | |
(مشہور) famous; celebrated for great achievements, for distinguished qualities | |
(باولا ریل) scold; express objections or criticisms in bitter, harsh, or abusive language |
(یاد) remember; call back; cause to be returned | |
(مشابہت) be similar to; take after; look like | |
(رقم کی واپسی) repayment of fund; an amount repaid | |
(سنایا) worship; regard with feelings of respect or honor |