3000 ECPE Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (C) - Matching Quizzes |
(पालना) small low bed for an infant, often furnished with rockers; infancy, or very early life | |
(अनाड़ी) awkward; showing lack of skill or aptitude | |
(तुलनीय) similar or equivalent; being of equal regard; worthy to be ranked with | |
(सतर्क) conservative; careful |
(चैम्पियनशिप) status of being a champion; position or title of a winner | |
(संदूषण) pollution; process of making a material or surface unclean or unsuited for its intended purpose | |
(तुलनीय) similar or equivalent; being of equal regard; worthy to be ranked with | |
(खण्ड) sentence; phrase; distinct article, stipulation, or provision in a document |
(चरमोत्कर्ष) upward movement; steady increase; the highest point; the greatest degree | |
(गलफुला) of a person, slightly overweight, somewhat fat and hence soft; rounded and plump | |
(चेक) stop motion; curb or restrain | |
(सिक्का) make pieces of money from metal; invent or fabricate |
(क्रश) press between opposing bodies so as to break or injure; extract or obtain by pressing or squeezing | |
(सिक्का) make pieces of money from metal; invent or fabricate | |
(चैपल) place of worship that is smaller than and subordinate to a church; service conducted in a chapel | |
(व्यक्त) carry from one place to another; bear or transport |
(शिकायत) make a formal accusation; bring a formal charge | |
(चैपल) place of worship that is smaller than and subordinate to a church; service conducted in a chapel | |
(विपरीत) relation of direct opposition; very opposed in nature or character or purpose | |
(मिलीभगत) secret agreement for an illegal purpose; conspiracy |
(क्रश) press between opposing bodies so as to break or injure; extract or obtain by pressing or squeezing | |
(धूमकेतु) an object that goes around the sun | |
(क्यूब) three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides; cubicle, used for work or study | |
(सहसंबद्ध) mutually related; showing a statistically significant relationship between the values of two or more variables |
(वाणिज्यिक) money-making; involved in work that is intended for the mass market | |
(कूरियर) person who carries a message | |
(चिली) very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency | |
(पालना) small low bed for an infant, often furnished with rockers; infancy, or very early life |
(वर्तमान) stream; flow; up-to-date; present | |
(चालकता) transmission of heat or electricity or sound | |
(विश्वसनीय) capable of being credited or believed; worthy of belief; entitled to confidence; trustworthy | |
(क्रश) press between opposing bodies so as to break or injure; extract or obtain by pressing or squeezing |
(स्वीकारोक्ति) public declaration of faith | |
(अवधारणा) something formed in the mind; thought or notion | |
(पुष्टि) support or establish the certainty or validity of; verify | |
(तुलनीय) similar or equivalent; being of equal regard; worthy to be ranked with |
(सतर्क) conservative; careful | |
(पुष्टि) support or establish the certainty or validity of; verify | |
any plant with long, hard, elastic stems; walking stick | |
(तुलनीय) similar or equivalent; being of equal regard; worthy to be ranked with |