3000 ECPE Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (C) - Matching Quizzes |
(موٹے) of a person, slightly overweight, somewhat fat and hence soft; rounded and plump | |
(جاپان) of or relating to or characteristic of or inhabiting a colony | |
firm but easily broken or crumbled; brittle | |
(حساب) planning something carefully and intentionally |
(کچلنے) press between opposing bodies so as to break or injure; extract or obtain by pressing or squeezing | |
(کینوس) heavy closely woven fabric; background against which events unfold, as in a historical narrative | |
(مربوط) operating as a unit; intentionally matched | |
(تسلسل) property of a continuous and connected period of time |
(کارٹون) design or study drawn of full size to serve as a model for transferring or copying; drawing depicting a humorous situation | |
(cadaverous cannibalism) practice of eating the flesh of your own kind | |
(صفر) secret code; an Arabic numeral or figure; a number | |
(موافق) occur at the same time as; correspond |
(نتیجتا) therefore; as a result or consequence of something; subsequently | |
(ملیبگت) secret agreement for an illegal purpose; conspiracy | |
(کارٹون) design or study drawn of full size to serve as a model for transferring or copying; drawing depicting a humorous situation | |
(سننہیت) sharing an edge or boundary; touching; neighboring |
(احتیاط) care; being attentive to possible danger | |
(مسلسل) steadily; regularly; constantly; always | |
(جاپان) of or relating to or characteristic of or inhabiting a colony | |
(جعلی corrode) make a copy of, usually with the intent to defraud; forge |
(بہلانا) persuade or try to persuade by pleading or flattery; move to or adjust toward a desired end | |
(علم) form or develop in the mind; devise; become pregnant with; begin or originate in a specific way | |
(رابطہ) regulation of diverse elements into an integrated and harmonious operation | |
(سننہیت) sharing an edge or boundary; touching; neighboring |
firm but easily broken or crumbled; brittle | |
(پیدائشی) present at birth; inborn; innate | |
(carton) pasteboard for paper boxes; pasteboard box | |
(جاپان) of or relating to or characteristic of or inhabiting a colony |
(cometary) of or relating to or resembling a comet | |
(بہلانا) persuade or try to persuade by pleading or flattery; move to or adjust toward a desired end | |
(ساخت) makeup; constitution; writing; essay | |
(رضامندی) agree in opinion or sentiment; be of the same mind; accord; concur; allow |
(نتیجتا) therefore; as a result or consequence of something; subsequently | |
(جاپان) of or relating to or characteristic of or inhabiting a colony | |
(cometary) of or relating to or resembling a comet | |
(بندش) state of being confined; restraint within limits; any restraint of liberty by force |
(معاصر) modern; belonging to the same period of time | |
(کمپیکٹ) closely and firmly united or packed together; briefly giving gist of something | |
(تسلسل) property of a continuous and connected period of time | |
(رابطہ) regulation of diverse elements into an integrated and harmonious operation |