3000 ECPE Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (O P) - Matching Quizzes |
(원시) serving as an essential component | |
(인기) of common people; suitable to common people; easy to be comprehended; not abstruse; familiar; plain | |
(목적) not influenced by emotions; having actual existence or reality | |
(과대 평가) make too high an estimate of |
(압력) stress; tension; condition of being pressed | |
(애매한) darken; make dim or indistinct; conceal in obscurity | |
(옵션) not obligatory; left to choice; not compulsory or automatic | |
(그림) scenic; striking or interesting in an unusual way |
(단락) distinct division of written or printed matter that begins on a new, usually indented line | |
(예측) likelihood; quality of being predictable | |
(난초) plants usually having flowers of unusual shapes and beautiful colors | |
(최적) most advantageous; optimum; ideal |
(난초) plants usually having flowers of unusual shapes and beautiful colors | |
(예측) likelihood; quality of being predictable | |
(무시) having and controlling property | |
(선택 해제) tendency to expect the best possible outcome; belief that the universe is improving and good will win over evil |
(후원자) benefactor; regular customer | |
(선택 해제) tendency to expect the best possible outcome; belief that the universe is improving and good will win over evil | |
(극작가) someone who writes plays | |
(빈곤) lack of money; state of being poor; lack of the means of providing material needs or comforts |
(지각) understanding; feeling; effect or product of perceiving | |
(매운) stinging; sharp in taste or smell; caustic | |
(광부) someone who explores an area for mineral deposits | |
(수익금) profit, money made from selling something; income arising from land or other property |
(경로) way; footway; course or track; route; passage | |
(주변 기기) located in outer boundary; unimportant; auxiliary | |
(예측) likelihood; quality of being predictable | |
(무시) having and controlling property |
(연장) make longer; draw out; lengthen | |
(수직) vertical; upright; intersecting at or forming right angles; extremely steep | |
(소유) occupy in person; hold or actually have in one's own keeping; have and hold; have the legal title to | |
(빈곤) lack of money; state of being poor; lack of the means of providing material needs or comforts |
(선택 해제) tendency to expect the best possible outcome; belief that the universe is improving and good will win over evil | |
(통통) sound of a sudden heavy fall; well-rounded and full in form | |
(주역) principal character in a work of fiction; main character in a drama; leader of a cause; champion | |
(인기) of common people; suitable to common people; easy to be comprehended; not abstruse; familiar; plain |
(단락) distinct division of written or printed matter that begins on a new, usually indented line | |
(설문 조사) voting; survey; number of votes cast or recorded | |
(프롬프트) move to act; incite; give rise to; assist with a reminder | |
(육식) living by preying on other animals |