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(キルト) pad and stitch ornamentally; construct something, such as clothing, using the same technique

Spelling Word: quilt
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v. Syn. scold; rant
(落書きをあらためて表明) scold; express objections or criticisms in bitter, harsh, or abusive language

Spelling Word: rail
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n. Syn. rate; proportion
(比) relation which one quantity or magnitude has to another of the same kind; rate; proportion

Spelling Word: ratio
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n. Syn. advice
(推薦) making attractive or acceptable; pushing for something

Spelling Word: recommendation
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(レクリエーション) of or relating to recreation; engaged in as a pastime

Spelling Word: recreational
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n. Syn. vote
(投票) direct popular vote on a proposed law or constitutional amendment; note from a diplomat to his government requesting instructions

Spelling Word: referendum
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n. Syn. memento; remnant
(遺物) surviving remnant; something left after loss or decay; object kept for its association with the past

Spelling Word: relic
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n. Syn. belief; faith
(宗教) belief in supernatural power regarded as creator and governor of the universe

Spelling Word: religion
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(残り) remnant; something left after other parts have been taken away

Spelling Word: remainder
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n. Syn. remainder; relic
(残) remainder; small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists

Spelling Word: remnant