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a. Syn. odd; picturesque; strange
(причудливый) odd; old-fashioned; picturesque; unfamiliar or unusual in character

Spelling Word: quaint
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ad. Syn. seldom
(редко) not often; in an unusual degree; exceptionally

Spelling Word: rarely
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n. Syn. beam; light
(луч) one of a number of lines diverging from a point; a line of light or heat proceeding from a point

Spelling Word: ray
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v. Syn. remember
(Напомним) remember; call back; cause to be returned

Spelling Word: recall
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v. Syn. reprocess
(рециркуляции) reprocess; use again after processing

Spelling Word: recycle
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(область) province; district; tract; neighborhood; the upper air; sky or heavens; inhabitants of a district

Spelling Word: region
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(отдых) state of refreshing tranquility; act of making less strict

Spelling Word: relaxation
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n. Syn. remainder; relic
(остаток) remainder; small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists

Spelling Word: remnant
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(Ренессанс) revival; renewal; revival of learning and culture

Spelling Word: renaissance
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a. Syn. remaining; surplus
(остаточной) remaining as a residue; surplus

Spelling Word: residual