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a. Syn. supersonic
(超音波) supersonic; higher in frequency than the range of sound perceptible to the human ear

Spelling Word: ultrasonic
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a. Syn. plain; unembellished
(は進歩を) without adornment; simple or plain; not admirable

Spelling Word: unadorned
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a. Syn. fundamental; implicit
(基礎) lying under or beneath something; basic; implicit; taking precedence; prior

Spelling Word: underlying
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(乱さない) peaceful without disturbance; free from interruption

Spelling Word: undisturbed
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ad. Syn. unluckily
(残念) unluckily; by bad luck

Spelling Word: unfortunately
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a. Syn. inadequate
(不十分) not giving satisfaction; inadequate

Spelling Word: unsatisfactory
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(生い立ち) process of bringing up, nourishing, or maintaining; rearing and training received during childhood

Spelling Word: upbringing
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a. Syn. suave; refined; elegant
(都会) showing a high degree of refinement

Spelling Word: urbane
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n. Syn. plants
(植物) plants of an area or a region; plant life

Spelling Word: vegetation
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(静脈) blood vessel that carries blood

Spelling Word: vein