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v. Syn. undervalue
(đánh giá thấp) make too low an estimate of the quantity; undervalue

Spelling Word: underestimate
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a. Syn. random; uncertain
(không thể đoán trước) random; difficult to foretell or foresee

Spelling Word: unpredictable
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a. Syn. rudimentary; innocent; naive
(không kinh) not wise; innocent; lacking complexity

Spelling Word: unsophisticated
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(chưa được khai thác) not drawn upon or used

Spelling Word: untapped
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n. Syn. disturbance; outburst
(biến động) violent disturbance; sudden, violent disruption or upset

Spelling Word: upheaval
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a. Syn. changeable; inconstant
(biến) likely to change or vary; subject to variation; changeable

Spelling Word: variable
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n. Syn. cover; hide
(che) a length of cloth worn by women over the head, shoulders, and often the face; cover; hide

Spelling Word: veil
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(rung) shake, quiver; move or swing from side to side regularly

Spelling Word: vibrate
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(violin) small instrument with four strings, played with a bow; a fiddle

Spelling Word: violin
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(hiển thị) being often in public eye; obvious to the eye

Spelling Word: visible