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a. Syn. negligent; heedless
(bất cẩn) negligent; taking insufficient care

Spelling Word: careless
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n. Syn. clearness
(chắc chắn) quality or condition of being certain; fact or truth unquestionable established; clearness

Spelling Word: certainty
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(lưu thông) spread or transmission of something to a wider group or area

Spelling Word: circulation
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v. Syn. limit; confine
(hạn chế) limit narrowly; confine; draw a line around; encircle

Spelling Word: circumscribe
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a. Syn. similar
(tương) similar or equivalent; being of equal regard; worthy to be ranked with

Spelling Word: comparable
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a. Syn. repaying
(đền bù) serving to compensate or as compensation; making amends; repaying

Spelling Word: compensatory
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n. Syn. struggle; rivalry
(cạnh tranh) struggle; rivalry; act of competing as for profit or a prize

Spelling Word: competition
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v. Syn. verify; corroborate
(xác nhận) support or establish the certainty or validity of; verify

Spelling Word: confirm
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a. Syn. successive; sequential
(liên tiếp) following one after another without interruption; sequential

Spelling Word: consecutive
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(lục) one of the large landmasses of the earth

Spelling Word: continent