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(جليد) pendent spear of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water

Spelling Word: icicle
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(الاصطلاحية) having the nature of an idiom; characteristic of a given language

Spelling Word: idiomatic
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n. Syn. protection; exemption; freedom
(الحصانة) protection; exemption from normal legal duties

Spelling Word: immunity
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a. Syn. fair
(محايدة) not biased; fair; showing lack of favoritism

Spelling Word: impartial
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a. Syn. unclear; vague; uncertain
(غير محددة) unclear; vague; lacking precise limits

Spelling Word: indefinite
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n. Syn. apathy; unconcern; disinterest
(اللامبالاة) unconcern; disinterest; lack of enthusiasm

Spelling Word: indifference
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(مرن) not elastic; lacking elasticity; unyielding or inadaptable

Spelling Word: inelastic
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a. Syn. unsuitable; incompetent
(غير مؤهل) unsuitable; disqualified by law, rule, or provision; unworthy of being chosen

Spelling Word: ineligible
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v. Syn. restrain; prevent
(تمنع) restrain; prevent or forbid; hold back

Spelling Word: inhibit
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a. Syn. novel
(مبتكرة) marked by or given to innovations; introducing a change

Spelling Word: innovative