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a. Syn. optimum; ideal
(इष्टतम) most advantageous; optimum; ideal

Spelling Word: optimal
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a. Syn. first; primary
(मूल) not second hand; not copied or translated from something else

Spelling Word: original
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(प्रधानता) weigh more heavily; exceed in weight, value, or importance; surpass; throw off balance

Spelling Word: overbalance
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n. Syn. apoplexy
(पक्षाघात) loss of the ability to move a body part

Spelling Word: paralysis
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v. Syn. benumb; disable
(पंगु) make powerless and unable to function; disable

Spelling Word: paralyze
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n. Syn. field; meadow
(चराई) field covered with grass; meadow

Spelling Word: pasture
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(फुटपाथ) floor or covering of solid material, laid so as to make hard and convenient surface for travel

Spelling Word: pavement
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v. Syn. cultivate; farm
(हल) move in a way that cutting or going through something; cultivate; farm; break and turn over earth

Spelling Word: plow
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(पोर्टफोलियो) portable case to hold loose papers; materials in such case; office or post of minister of state; a group of investments

Spelling Word: portfolio
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(डाकपाल) person in charge of a post office

Spelling Word: postmaster