fiasco | (彻底失败) complete failure; sudden and violent collapse |
fickle | (变化无常的,薄情的) not fixed or firm; liable to change; unstable; of a changeable mind |
fictitious | (想象的) existing only in imagination; feigned; not true or real |
fidelity | (忠诚) faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances |
fiend | (恶魔,魔鬼) implacable or malicious foe; one who is diabolically wicked or cruel |
figment | (发明,臆造的事务) something invented, made up; imaginary thing |
figurative | (比喻) not literal, but metaphorical; using figure of speech |
figure | (人像,画像,外形,轮廓) model of a bodily form; impression produced by a person; written or printed symbol representing a number |
figurine | (小雕像) small ornamental statuette; small molded or sculptured figure |
filch | (偷) steal, especially in a small, sly way; take from another on a petty scale, as by violation of trust |
filial | (子女的) having or assuming relationship of child or offspring to parent |
filibuster | ((发表长篇演讲来)阻挠法案通过) block legislation by making long speeches |
filth | (肮脏,粗语) foul matter; anything that soils or defiles; dirt; corruption; pollution |
finale | (结论,结尾,结局) concluding part; closing section |
finesse | (精密的技巧) refinement and delicacy of performance; skillful, subtle handling |
finicky | (过分讲究,鸡毛蒜皮) insisting capriciously on getting just what one wants; difficult to please; fussy |
finite | (有限的,限定的) having a limit; limited in quantity, degree, or capacity; bounded |
firebrand | (总惹麻烦的人,惹事生非者,捣乱人) hothead; person who stirs up trouble; piece of burning wood |
fissure | (裂缝,分歧) long narrow opening ; long narrow depression in surface |
fit | (合适的,适宜的,健康的,结实的) be the right size or shape; conform to some shape or size |