gracious | (亲切的,和蔼的,慈祥的) beneficent; merciful; disposed to show kindness or favor |
graduate | ((大学)毕业生,研究生) one who has received an academicals or professional degree; one who has completed the prescribed course of study |
graduated | (分级,排序) having a university degree; having completed training; having steps; arranged by grade, level, degree |
granary | (谷仓,主要来源) building for storing threshed grain; region yielding much grain |
grandeur | (庄严,伟大,威严) quality or condition of being grand; magnificence |
grandiloquent | (语言夸张的,词藻浮华的) speaking or expressed in lofty style; using high sounding language; overly wordy |
grandiose | (自命不凡,堂皇,夸张) impressive from inherent grandeur; large and impressive, in size, scope or extent |
granulate | (粒化) form into grains or small masses; make rough on surface |
graphic | (图像的,图画的) represented by graph; described in vivid detail; clearly outlined |
graphite | (石墨) something used as a lubricant and as a moderator in nuclear reactors |
grapple | (格斗,摔跤) wrestle; come to grips with; seize firmly, as with the hands |
grate | (磨碎,惹恼,因摩擦发出的刺耳声音) make a harsh noise; have an unpleasant effect; shred |
gratify | (取悦) give pleasure to; satisfy; indulge; make happy |
gratis | (免费的) free, without charge; costing nothing |
gratuitous | (无条件的,无理由的,免费的) given freely; unwarranted; granted without recompense; unearned |
gratuity | (赏钱,小费) something given freely or without recompense; free gift; a present |
gravity | (重力,严重,庄严,严肃) seriousness; solemn and dignified feeling; natural force between two massive bodies |
gregarious | (社交的,群居) sociable; seeking and enjoying the company of others |
grievance | (委屈,冤情,不平) cause of grief or distress; discomfort or pain |
grill | (盘问) question severely; torture or afflict |