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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 1 - 1 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 14 |
New Known Review |
definition |
n. [定義] clarity of outline; concise explanation Exercise had given his muscles superior definition. |
New Known Review |
deliberate |
v. [故意] consider; think about carefully; weigh Offered the new job, she asked for time to deliberate before she told them her decision. |
New Known Review |
delirious |
a. [せん妄] having a delirium; wandering in mind; insane; raving; wild He found Huck still in the bed that had been provided for him and delirious with fever. |
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New Known Review |
delusion |
n. [妄想は] false belief; mistaken or unfounded opinion Don suffers from grandeur delusion: he thinks he's a world-famous author when he's published just one paperback book. |
New Known Review |
dent |
n. [凹み] cavity; a depression scratched or carved into a surface I said it would be simpler to get the discount since the dent is cosmetic, not structural. |
New Known Review |
deposition |
n. [揮発性] testimony under oath; the act of depositing, especially laying down of matter by natural process He made his deposition in the judge's chamber. |
New Known Review |
deputy |
n. [副] one appointed as the substitute of another, and empowered to act for him; substitute in office I must find someone to act as a deputy for me during my absence. |
New Known Review |
desirable |
a. [望ましい] worthwhile; worth doing or achieving; advisable Some other factors coincide to make a June election desirable for the government. |
New Known Review |
despicable |
a. [卑劣] fit or deserving to be despised; contemptible; mean; vile; worthless You make me out all that is narrow-minded, mean, and despicable, which is very unjust. |
New Known Review |
destruction |
n. [破壊] havoc; event that completely destroys something The inspectors have no idea, by these documents, whether Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. |
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New Known Review |
New Known Review |
devious |
a. [よこしま] departing from the correct and accepted way; misleading; not straightforward The story of Byzantine art, though not precisely devious, is not straightforward either. |
New Known Review |
devotion |
n. [献身] faithfulness; ardent, often selfless affection and dedication Prince Charles spoke of his grandmother's fortitude and devotion to duty after her husband's death, King George. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
diabolical |
a. [極悪非道] extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell Cabinet's approval of the draft legislation was diabolical and contradicted the Bible, he said in a statement. |
New Known Review |
dictate |
v. [指示] prescribe; rule as a dictator I guess we should just let McEachin dictate the dialogue for us. |