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5000 GRE Words | Introduction |
5000 Words Level 1 - 1 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 5 |
New Known Review |
banner |
n. [バナー] flag; sign; a newspaper headline that runs across the full page The red top refers to the color of the banner at the top of the paper. |
New Known Review |
barb |
n. [バーブは、] sharp projection from fishhook; openly cutting remark If you were a politician, would you prefer being caught on the barb of a fishhook? |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
bark |
n. [樹皮] a sound made by a dog; harsh sound uttered by a dog She set off at once and ran till she was quite tired and out of breath and till the puppy's bark sounded quite faint in the distance. |
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New Known Review |
barrier |
n. [バリア] obstacle; structure built to bar passage; boundary or limit The study says police must undo community distrust, which it calls a barrier to outreach. |
New Known Review |
batch |
n. [バッチ] quantity of bread baked at one time; a collection of things or persons to be handled together But the last of this batch is the most important and the best of the whole. |
New Known Review |
beacon |
n. [ビーコン] signal fire to notify of the approach of an enemy, or to give any notice, commonly of warning This is a beacon to help aircraft discover their position. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
beat |
v. [ビート] whip; strike; defeat; hit repeatedly Speak roughly to your little boy; And beat him when he sneezes; He only does it to annoy; Because he knows it teases. |
New Known Review |
beaver |
n. [ビーバー] amphibious rodent about two feet in length; fur of the beaver; tall hat, originally made from beaver fur To him, a beaver is a quarter of a fur coat for his wife or a nice hat. |
New Known Review |
behold |
v. [見よ] have in sight; see clearly; look at; perceive by the visual faculty We can behold a tiny figure in the distance. |
New Known Review |
benign |
a. [良性] kindly; favorable; not malignant Though her benign smile and gentle bearing made Miss Marple seem a sweet little old lady, in reality, she was a tough-minded lady. |
New Known Review |
betray |
v. [裏切る] be unfaithful; reveal unconsciously or unwillingly The two spies betray their country by selling military secrets to the enemy. |
New Known Review |
beverage |
n. [漂白剤] liquids for drinking, usually excluding water; refreshment How fragrant was the steam of the beverage and the scent of the toast! |
New Known Review |
bizarre |
a. [奇妙] fantastic; violently contrasting; strangely unconventional in style or appearance The plot of the novel was too bizarre to be believed. |
New Known Review |
blackmail |
n. [恐喝] extortion of money or value from a person by threat of exposing a criminal act or discreditable information Apparently, bribery and blackmail are legal if you work for Congress. |