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(номинальной) in name only; insignificantly small
E.g.He offered to drive her to the airport for only a nominal fee.
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(беззаб��тность) indifference; lack of concern; composure
E.g.Cool, calm, and collected under fire, James Bond shows remarkable nonchalance in the face of danger.
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(уклончиво) very reluctant to give out information
E.g.We were annoyed by his noncommittal reply for we had been led to expect definite assurances of his approval.
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(невзрачный) dull and uninteresting; lacking distinct or individual
E.g.The private detective was a short, nondescript fellow with no outstanding features, the sort of person one would never notice in a crowd.
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(ничтожество) person of no importance; something that does not exist or that exists only in imagination
E.g.Because the two older princes dismissed their youngest brother as a nonentity, they did not realize that he was quietly plotting to seize the throne.
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(тупик) perplex or bewilder someone; confound or flummox
E.g.Jack's uncharacteristic rudeness might nonplus Jill, leaving her uncertain how to react.
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(глупости) silliness; words or signs having no intelligible meaning
E.g.'Don't talk nonsense,' said Alice more boldly: 'you know you're growing too.'
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(петлю) loop formed in a rope by means of a slipknot so that it binds tighter as the rope is pulled; trap
E.g.I think the noose is slowly tightening on Tony and company and it’s just a matter of time, really.
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(ностальгия) homesickness; bittersweet longing for things of past.
E.g.We've been there for a couple weeks now and the nostalgia is there, but we are trying to keep everything fresh.
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(Nostrum) patent medicine whose efficacy is questionable; quack medicine
E.g.This nostrum is a compound of some of the ordinary foods with certain well-known aromatic and carminative substances.
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(заметных) worthy of note or notice; remarkable; important
E.g.Today the head cook was shaking, for the notable chef Julia Child was coming to dinner.
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(вырезка) small cut; V-shaped or U-shaped indentation carved or scratched into a surface
E.g.There was one notch in the handle of his revolver.
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(известность) known for some unfavorable act or quality; bad or ill fame
E.g.To the starlet, any publicity was good publicity: if she couldn't have a good reputation, she'd settle for notoriety.
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(питать) provide with nourishment; provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth
E.g.Along with a devoted team of sixteen full-time staffers and several volunteers, they now nourish kids in seventy Toronto daycares.
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(питание) a source of materials to nourish the body
E.g.Each may share equally in nourishment, sun, air, water, as long as they �keep their distance.�
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(Новинки) quality of being novel; newness; something new and unusual
E.g.Another novelty is the Japanese garden with its bamboo fence, the posts and door of entrance being carved with remarkable taste and boldness.
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(начинающих) beginner; person new to a field or activity
E.g.To do this appears so abrupt that the novice is apt to make a further effort to finish up the subject.
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(вредных) harmful to living things; injurious to health
E.g.We must trace the source of these noxious gases before they asphyxiate us.
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(нюанс) subtle or slight degree of difference; small difference in meaning
E.g.The problem that I see is that the average low information voter won't get the nuance, which is my concern.
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(брачный) of an age suitable for marriage; marriageable
E.g.The show wasn't too bad either, especially the nubile women.
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