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(凝视,仔细看) gaze; stare; look searchingly; company with
E.g.We peer in at ten infants through the glass walls of a new-born nursery, imagining the bright futures ahead in the 80 years of life they can expect.
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(不可比较的,不相衡的,无可匹敌的) having no equal; incomparable
E.g.At our town Sam is a peerless cooker: no one could compare with him.
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(透明,清澈,明白的) transparent; limpid; easy to understand
E.g.After reading these stodgy philosophers, I find Bertrand Russell's pellucid style very enjoyable.
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(倾向,趣味) strong inclination; definite liking
E.g.There is a certain penchant in true believers to ignore input which conflicts and contradicts that belief.
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(即将发生的,未决的) not yet decided or settled; awaiting conclusion or confirmation
E.g.She was held in custody pending trial.
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(刺穿,渗入,了解) pierce; go through; permeate
E.g.You can hear her piano practice penetrate each room of the house.
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(悔过的) feeling or expressing deep regret for misdeeds
E.g.When he realized the enormity of his crime, he became remorseful and penitent.
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(沉思默想的,忧心忡忡的) deeply, often dreamily thoughtful; engaged in serious thought or reflection; contemplative
E.g.The pensive lover gazed at the portrait of his beloved and deeply sighed.
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(一贫如洗,穷困潦倒) extreme poverty; lack of something; barrenness; insufficiency
E.g.When his pension fund failed, George feared he would end his days in penury. He became such a penny pincher that he turned into a closefisted, penurious miser.
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(有洞察力的,警觉的,智慧的) insightful; aware; wise; having the ability to perceive
E.g.In sense capacity, in perceptive and discriminative ability, there is likewise a practical equality.
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(打击) striking one object against another sharply
E.g.The drum is a percussion instrument.
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(毁灭) entire ruin; utter destruction, especially, utter loss of soul, or of final happiness in future
E.g.Praying for salvation, young Steven Daedalus feared he was damned to eternal perdition.
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(旅程,旅行) travel or journey, especially by foot, notably by pilgrim
E.g.Auntie Mame was a world traveler whose previous peregrination took her from Tiajuana to Timbuctoo.
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(专制的,强硬的,专横的) offensively self-assured; dictatorial; not allowing contradiction or refusal
E.g.From Jack's peremptory knock on the door, Jill could tell he would not give up until she let him in.
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(终年的,永久的) lasting indefinitely long time; suggesting self-renewal; remaining active throughout all the time
E.g.These plants are hardy perennial and will bloom for many years.
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(背信弃义的,不诚实的) tending to betray; disloyal; faithless
E.g.When Caesar realized that Brutus had betrayed him, he reproached his perfidious friend.
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(打孔) pierce, punch, or bore hole or holes in; penetrate
E.g.Before you can open the aspirin bottle, you must first perforate the plastic safety seal that covers the cap.
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(肤浅的,不投入的,漠不关心的) done routinely and with little interest or care; acting with indifference; showing little interest or care
E.g.I introduced myself, and at my name his perfunctory manner changed; I knew he heard me before.
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(周长) outer boundary length; closed curve bounding a plane area
E.g.Find the largest possible width if the the perimeter is at most 64 cm.
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(外围的) located in outer boundary; unimportant; auxiliary
E.g.We lived, not in central London, but in one of those peripheral suburbs that spring up on the outskirts of a great city.
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