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refractory |
(耐火物) stubborn; unmanageable; obstinately resistant to authority or control E.g.The refractory horse was eliminated from the race when he refused to obey the jockey. |
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refrain |
(遠慮) abstain from; resist; hold oneself back E.g.Whenever he heard a song with a lively chorus, Sol could never refrain from joining in. |
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refurbish |
(改装) renovate; make bright by polishing E.g.The flood left a deposit of mud on everything; we had to refurbish our belongings. |
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refute |
(理念) disprove; prove to be false or incorrect E.g.The defense called several respectable witnesses who were able to refute the false testimony of the prosecution's sole witness. |
New Known Review |
regal |
(リーガル) of or relating to a monarch; royal; magnificent; splendid E.g.The queen, dressed in regal purple, was joined by her husband. |
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regale |
(リーガル) entertain; provide with great enjoyment E.g.John wanted to regale us with tales of his adventures in Africa. |
New Known Review |
regeneration |
(再生) renewal; growth of lost or destroyed parts or organs E.g.I personally prefer burning an area, because the regeneration is more sufficient. |
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regent |
(摂政は) ruling; governing; exercising vicarious authority; one who rules or reigns; governor; ruler E.g.The regent carried out an advanced system in his country. |
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regimen |
(レジ) prescribed diet and habits; a systematic plan for therapy; governmental rule or control E.g.I doubt whether the results warrant our living under such a strict regimen. |
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New Known Review |
rehabilitate |
(リハビリ) restore to proper condition; help to re-adapt, as to former state of health or good repute E.g.We must rehabilitate those whom we send to prison. |
New Known Review |
reimburse |
(償還) pay back for some expense incurred E.g.You must make the payments directly to the providers of those services, you can't just reimburse the people who you are benefiting. |
New Known Review |
reinstate |
(回復しますが) place again in possession, or in a former state; restore to a state from which one had been removed E.g.It is a story about how to reinstate a king in the possession of the kingdom. |
New Known Review |
reiterate |
(教訓払拭) say, state, or perform again or repeatedly E.g.He will reiterate the warning to make sure everyone understood it. |
New Known Review |
rejoinder |
(返答) retort; comeback; answer to a reply E.g.When someone has been rude to me, I find it particularly satisfying to come up with a quick rejoinder. |