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Group 18 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 1 |
New Known Review |
stalwart |
(確固たる) marked by imposing physical strength; firmly built; firm and resolute E.g.His consistent support of the party has proved that he is a stalwart and loyal member. |
New Known Review |
stamina |
(スタミナ) physical or moral strength to resist or withstand illness; enduring strength and energy E.g.These exercises helped the monks gain stamina to withstand the long meditation sessions. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
stanch |
(止める) stop or check flow of liquid; stop flow of blood from wound E.g.It is imperative that we stanch the gushing wound before we attend to the other injuries. |
New Known Review |
stanza |
(スタンザ) unit of poem, written or printed as a paragraph E.g.Do you know the last stanza of the national anthem? |
New Known Review |
stately |
(邸宅) majestic; impressive, as in size or proportions E.g.One saw life-sized ladies and gentlemen dancing in stately rounds or laughing under trees and among flowers and butterflies. |
New Known Review |
static |
(静的) having no motion; being at rest; fixed; stationary E.g.To claim that the English language will remain static is false. |
New Known Review |
statute |
(法令) law enacted by legislature; decree or edict, as of a ruler E.g.New York's eminent domain statute is virtually capital punishment for property owners. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
steadfast |
(不動) firmly or constant loyal; fixed or unchanging E.g.Penelope was steadfast in her affections, faithfully waiting for Ulysses to return from his wanderings. |
New Known Review |
stealth |
(ステルス) avoiding detection by moving carefully; acting in a covert way E.g.He is a coward and a very evil man who works in stealth to destroy anyone who disagrees with him. |
New Known Review |
steep |
(急) soak; make thoroughly wet E.g.Be sure to steep the fabric in the dye bath for the full time prescribed. |
New Known Review |
stellar |
(出し抜く) outstanding; principal; of or consisting of stars E.g.To alter that equation, the Indian economy would have to maintain stellar growth rates for years. |
New Known Review |
stem |
(幹) stop flow of a liquid; make headway against E.g.They all hoped that he managed to stem the rebellion in two weeks. |
New Known Review |
stench |
(悪臭) strong, foul odor; stink; foul quality; offensive odor E.g.Also, on days when the tides and wind are just right, the stench is overpowering. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
stickler |
(こだわる散水) one who insists on something unyieldingly; something puzzling or difficult E.g.The main stickler is that by the end of the book, the reader is left without a sense of closure. |