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(любезный) beneficent; merciful; disposed to show kindness or favor
E.g.He actually went on to praise John McCain for giving a gracious concession speech.
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(выпускник) one who has received an academicals or professional degree; one who has completed the prescribed course of study
E.g.He is a graduate in medicine.
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(окончил) having a university degree; having completed training; having steps; arranged by grade, level, degree
E.g.Margaret loved her graduated set of Russian hollow wooden dolls; she spent hours happily putting the smaller dolls into their larger counterparts.
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(зернохранилище) building for storing threshed grain; region yielding much grain
E.g.When you harvest your crop, you store it in a fat dried mud and stick granary, which is taller than you can reach.
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(величие) quality or condition of being grand; magnificence
E.g.The concept that matter and energy are inter-convertible strikes to the core of the universe, probably exceeds in grandeur any other picture the field of physical science.
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(высокопарные) speaking or expressed in lofty style; using high sounding language; overly wordy
E.g.The politician could never speak simply; she was always grandiloquent.
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(грандиозные) impressive from inherent grandeur; large and impressive, in size, scope or extent
E.g.The aged matinee idol still had grandiose notions of his supposed importance in the theatrical world.
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(гранулят) form into grains or small masses; make rough on surface
E.g.We used to granulate sugar in order to dissolve more readily.
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(графический) represented by graph; described in vivid detail; clearly outlined
E.g.Read the story, then enlarge the title graphic to see what its about.
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(графит) something used as a lubricant and as a moderator in nuclear reactors
E.g.One of the benefits of using graphite is that it keeps the silver from oxidizing, so bullets come out bright and shiny.
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(грейфер) wrestle; come to grips with; seize firmly, as with the hands
E.g.He can grapple with the burglar and overpowered him.
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(решетка) make a harsh noise; have an unpleasant effect; shred
E.g.The screams of the quarreling children grate on her nerves.
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(ублажать) give pleasure to; satisfy; indulge; make happy
E.g.Hence an important means towards happiness is the control of our desires, and the extinction of those that we cannot gratify, which is brought about by virtue.
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(безвозмездно) free, without charge; costing nothing
E.g.The company offered to give one package gratis to every purchaser of one of their products.
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(безвозмездной) given freely; unwarranted; granted without recompense; unearned
E.g.Yet many of these movies contain gratuitous and graphic violence.
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(вознаграждения) something given freely or without recompense; free gift; a present
E.g.To express their gratitude, patients provided a more-or-less voluntary gratuity.
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(тяжести) seriousness; solemn and dignified feeling; natural force between two massive bodies
E.g.We could tell we were in serious trouble from the gravity of the principal's expression.
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(стадное) sociable; seeking and enjoying the company of others
E.g.Natural selection in gregarious animals operates upon groups rather than upon individuals.
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(жалобы) cause of grief or distress; discomfort or pain
E.g.When her supervisor ignored her complaint, she took her grievance to the union.
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(Гриль) question severely; torture or afflict
E.g.In violation of the Miranda law, the policemen grill the suspect for several hours before reading him his rights.
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