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Group 12 - Matching Quizzes |
(有袋哺乳动物(袋鼠、袋熊、袋狼)) any mammal of which the female typically has a pouch in which it rears its young, such as kangaroo or koala | |
(有象征意义的物品,纪念品) token; reminder of past; hint, suggestion, notice, or memorial to awaken memory | |
(意外,灾难) unfortunate accident; bad luck | |
(繁多的,多种的) various in kind or quality; many in number; numerous; multiplied; complicated |
(混合) mixture; musical composition consisting of a series of pieces | |
(唯利是图) interested in making money; profit oriented; hired for service in foreign army | |
(至理名言,格言) proverb; formulation of fundamental principle or general truth | |
(有袋哺乳动物(袋鼠、袋熊、袋狼)) any mammal of which the female typically has a pouch in which it rears its young, such as kangaroo or koala |
(页边的空白,(湖,池等的)边缘) border; rim; room | |
(泥瓦匠) one whose occupation is to build with stone or brick; one who prepares stone for building purposes | |
(有袋哺乳动物(袋鼠、袋熊、袋狼)) any mammal of which the female typically has a pouch in which it rears its young, such as kangaroo or koala | |
(唯利是图) interested in making money; profit oriented; hired for service in foreign army |
(入学) enroll in college or graduate school | |
(谦卑的,驯服的) quiet and obedient; showing patience and humility | |
(少量) limited quantity; small or moderate amount; any small thing | |
(华而不实的,俗艳的) of or pertaining to prostitutes; tastelessly showy; lustful; deceptive; misleading |
(壁画) wall painting; very large image applied directly to a wall or ceiling. | |
(泥瓦匠) one whose occupation is to build with stone or brick; one who prepares stone for building purposes | |
(隐喻) implied comparison; one thing conceived as representing another; symbol | |
(有象征意义的物品,纪念品) token; reminder of past; hint, suggestion, notice, or memorial to awaken memory |
(有袋哺乳动物(袋鼠、袋熊、袋狼)) any mammal of which the female typically has a pouch in which it rears its young, such as kangaroo or koala | |
(僧侣的,遁入空门的,不问世事) related to monks or monasteries; removed from worldly concerns | |
(奴才,低三下四之人) loyal servant of another, usually more powerful being | |
(杂记) collection of various items, parts, or ingredients, especially one composed of diverse literary works |
(自我陶醉的人,逞能的人) conceited person; someone in love with himself or herself; person full of egoism and pride | |
(意外,灾难) unfortunate accident; bad luck | |
(多彩的,杂色的,混合的) multi-colored; mixed; having elements of great variety | |
(至理名言,格言) proverb; formulation of fundamental principle or general truth |
(暧昧的,混浊不清的) lacking definite form or limits; hazy; cloudy | |
(多彩的,杂色的,混合的) multi-colored; mixed; having elements of great variety | |
(错误的名字,写错名字,用词不当) error in naming person or place; name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person or an object | |
(仆人的,卑贱的) suitable for servant; having low nature |
(风俗习惯) conventions; moral standards; accepted traditional customs | |
(破坏,损伤) spoil or damage; impair the soundness, perfection, or integrity of | |
(繁多的,多种的) various in kind or quality; many in number; numerous; multiplied; complicated | |
(少量) limited quantity; small or moderate amount; any small thing |
(自我陶醉的人,逞能的人) conceited person; someone in love with himself or herself; person full of egoism and pride | |
(严格纪律的人) strict disciplinarian; one who demands absolute adherence to forms and rules | |
(显要人物,权势之人) rich or powerful person; magnate; small hard mound or bump on a ski slope | |
(可忽略不计的) so small, trifling, or unimportant that it may be easily disregarded |