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Group 13 - Matching Quizzes |
(العنيد) noisily aggressive; making great noise or outcry | |
(حيرة) perplex or bewilder someone; confound or flummox | |
(البطريرك) father and ruler of family or tribe | |
(التوليد) physician specializing in delivery of babies |
(الأمثل البذخ) extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance | |
(انحياز) inclination; favorable prejudice or bias; special fondness | |
(مغذية) of or providing nourishment; promoting growth, or preventing decay | |
(الاسمية) in name only; insignificantly small |
(أنشودة) song of praise or joy; loud and joyous song; song of triumph | |
(حاسة الشم) relating to, or contributing to sense of smell | |
(ندرة) scarcity; smallness of number; fewness | |
(عوف) person regarded as stupid or awkward |
(العتيقة) no longer useful; outmoded; antiquated | |
(حيرة) perplex or bewilder someone; confound or flummox | |
(بحري يعانون من السمنة المفرطة) extremely fat; grossly overweight | |
(اطاحة) expel; eject from a position or place; force out |
(العنيد) noisily aggressive; making great noise or outcry | |
(معطر) having distinctive odor; emitting an odor; sweet of scent; fragrant | |
(الزنجار) green crust on old bronze works; tone slowly taken by varnished painting | |
(اطاحة) expel; eject from a position or place; force out |
(��لنهمة) eating both plant and animal food; devouring everything; having interest in a variety of subjects | |
(اختياري) most favorable or advantageous | |
(أوديسي) long, eventful journey; extended adventurous voyage or trip | |
(اطاحة) expel; eject from a position or place; force out |
(أنشودة) song of praise or joy; loud and joyous song; song of triumph | |
(منبوذة) social outcast; person who is rejected from society or home | |
(الموازية) make or place something to another's side; of or relating to multiple operations at same time; not intersecting | |
(القاهر) all-powerful; having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force |
(مرهقة) burdensome or oppressive; not easily borne; wearing | |
(المزخرفة عالم الطيور) one who makes special study of birds | |
(بحري يعانون من السمنة المفرطة) extremely fat; grossly overweight | |
(مغذية) of or providing nourishment; promoting growth, or preventing decay |
(الغضب) act of extreme violence or viciousness; offense | |
(اختياري) most favorable or advantageous | |
(مبهمة) impenetrable by light; not transparent; not reflecting light; having no luster | |
(المزخرفة عالم الطيور) one who makes special study of birds |
(مغذية) of or providing nourishment; promoting growth, or preventing decay | |
(التأليف) creative work, as literary or musical composition | |
(اختياري) most favorable or advantageous | |
(على الرغم من تغذي) provide with nourishment; provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth |