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Group 13 - Matching Quizzes |
(パリンプセストを) manuscript, typically of papyrus or parchment, that has been written on more than once, with the earlier writing incompletely erased | |
(受け流し) avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing | |
(意気消沈) in name only; insignificantly small | |
(パピルス) ancient paper made from stem of plant |
(曖昧) very reluctant to give out information | |
(総主教) father and ruler of family or tribe | |
(有害) harmful to living things; injurious to health | |
(骨の折れる) extremely careful and diligent work or effort; taking of pains |
(ニュアンス) subtle or slight degree of difference; small difference in meaning | |
(張り詰めた) extremely disturbed from emotion | |
(育成) nourish; help grow or develop; foster | |
(有償) burdensome or oppressive; not easily borne; wearing |
(貴族) belong to noble origin; having high birth | |
(育成) nourish; help grow or develop; foster | |
(栄養) nourishing substance; source of nourishment, especially nourishing ingredient in a food | |
(紛失) inattentive or unmindful; lacking all memory; forgetful |
(なだめる) ease anger or agitation of; make calm or quiet; end war or violence | |
(貴族) belong to noble origin; having high birth | |
(忘却) condition or quality of being completely forgotten; official overlooking of offenses; amnesty | |
(羊皮紙) skin of a lamb, sheep, goat, young calf, or other animal, prepared for writing on |
(頑固) stubbornly adhering to an attitude or opinion; hard to control or treat | |
(有害) harmful to living things; injurious to health | |
(条例) decree; authoritative command or order | |
(強迫) excessive in degree or nature; preoccupying |
(偏在) universally present; being present everywhere | |
(有償) burdensome or oppressive; not easily borne; wearing | |
(歯に衣着せぬ) given to expressing yourself freely or insistently | |
(栄養) nourishing substance; source of nourishment, especially nourishing ingredient in a food |
(卒業アヘン) medicine to induce sleep or deaden pain; something that relieves emotions or causes inaction | |
(オラトリオ) musical composition for voices and orchestra based on religious text | |
(パンデミック) widespread; affecting majority of people | |
(紛失) inattentive or unmindful; lacking all memory; forgetful |
(オラトリオ) musical composition for voices and orchestra based on religious text | |
(パロディ) work or performance that imitates another work or performance with ridicule or irony; make fun of | |
(鈍) lacking in insight or discernment; stupid | |
(表向き) put forth or held out as real, actual, or intended; proper or intended to be shown |
(パロディ) work or performance that imitates another work or performance with ridicule or irony; make fun of | |
(有償) burdensome or oppressive; not easily borne; wearing | |
(パピルス) ancient paper made from stem of plant | |
(怒り) act of extreme violence or viciousness; offense |