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Group 14 - Matching Quizzes |
(позер) person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant to impress others | |
(представляют) pretend to be someone you are not; assume a posture as for artistic purposes | |
(перегринации) travel or journey, especially by foot, notably by pilgrim | |
(до) not yet decided or settled; awaiting conclusion or confirmation |
(проницательный) insightful; aware; wise; having the ability to perceive | |
(извращения) action of perverting someone or something; humiliation; debasement; instance of abnormal activity | |
(прецедент) act or instance that may be used as example in subsequent similar cases | |
(срывать) pull or draw, especially, to pull with sudden force or effort, or to pull off or out from something |
(покрасоваться) make oneself tidy in appearance; feel self-satisfaction | |
(воровать) steal in small quantities, or articles of small value; practice petty theft | |
(перегринации) travel or journey, especially by foot, notably by pilgrim | |
(основной) of first rank or importance or value; essential or basic |
(Полиглот) speaking, writing, written in, or composed of several languages | |
(хищника) animal that lives by preying on other animals; person who robs or exploits others | |
(кающегося) feeling or expressing deep regret for misdeeds | |
(императивной) offensively self-assured; dictatorial; not allowing contradiction or refusal |
(периферической) located in outer boundary; unimportant; auxiliary | |
(питьевой) suitable for drinking; drinkable | |
(совершения) be responsible for; commit; do execute or perform, generally in bad sense | |
(позер) person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant to impress others |
(хищника) animal that lives by preying on other animals; person who robs or exploits others | |
(до) not yet decided or settled; awaiting conclusion or confirmation | |
(совершения) be responsible for; commit; do execute or perform, generally in bad sense | |
(прыгать) spring or bound, as a horse in high mettle; ride in an ostentatious manner; walk or strut about in a pompous, showy manner |
(предвещают) foretell; serve as an omen or a warning of; indicate by prediction | |
(порочных) stubbornly wrongheaded; directed away from what is right or good | |
(уловки) action calculated to frustrate an opponent or gain an advantage indirectly or deviously; maneuver; tactic or strategy | |
(обдумывайте) plan, arrange, or plot in advance; deliberate upon future action |
(воровать) steal in small quantities, or articles of small value; practice petty theft | |
(Папский) pertaining to bishop or pope; having dignity or authority of bishop | |
(прихорашиваться) become formal or affected in dress or manners; give neat appearance to | |
(тип) major class of plants; primary branch of animal kingdom; division |
(по частям) by a small amount at a time; in stages; gradually | |
(хищника) animal that lives by preying on other animals; person who robs or exploits others | |
(кающегося) feeling or expressing deep regret for misdeeds | |
(отвес) checking perpendicularity; exactly vertical |
(основной) of first rank or importance or value; essential or basic | |
(проницательный) insightful; aware; wise; having the ability to perceive | |
(грабеж) rob of goods by force, especially in time of war; plunder; take as spoils | |
(филология) study of language; investigation of language and its literature |