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Group 15 - Matching Quizzes |
(कौशल) extraordinary ability; military bravery; superior skill or ability | |
(भविष्य) displaying foresight; providing carefully for future; preparing for emergencies | |
(आशंका) dilemma; state of uncertainty or perplexity | |
(प्रवण) inclined; lying face downward; having a tendency |
(अनंतिम) temporary; provided for present need only | |
(गिराया) put or throw flat with face down; cause to lie flat | |
(raspy) made less dense of gas; elevated in character or style; lofty | |
(पूर्वज) direct ancestor; originator of a line of descent; originator or founder |
(भविष्य) displaying foresight; providing carefully for future; preparing for emergencies | |
(हिंसक) extremely hungry; voracious; eager for prey | |
(पड़ोस) property of being close together; kinship; nearness; similarity in nature | |
(पूर्वज) direct ancestor; originator of a line of descent; originator or founder |
(raspy) unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound | |
(खंडन) proving to be false or incorrect; response with contrary evidence | |
(अनंतिम) temporary; provided for present need only | |
(भविष्य) displaying foresight; providing carefully for future; preparing for emergencies |
(दंडात्मक) punishing; involving punishment; awarding or inflicting punishment | |
(पड़ोस) property of being close together; kinship; nearness; similarity in nature | |
(कौशल) extraordinary ability; military bravery; superior skill or ability | |
(आशंका) dilemma; state of uncertainty or perplexity |
(पूर्वज) direct ancestor; originator of a line of descent; originator or founder | |
(पड़ोस) property of being close together; kinship; nearness; similarity in nature | |
(मिचली) feeling about to vomit; causing uneasiness | |
(ग्रहणशील) quick or willing to receive ideas, suggestions; capable of receiving |
(प्रश्न) inquiry; doubt in the mind; mental reservation | |
(प्राप्तकर्ता) receiver; one that receives or is receptive | |
(वैराग्य) tranquility; state of peace and quiet | |
(आशंका) dilemma; state of uncertainty or perplexity |
(नीम हकीम) untrained person who pretends to be a physician; charlatan | |
(वैराग्य) tranquility; state of peace and quiet | |
(अनंतिम) temporary; provided for present need only | |
(आशंका) dilemma; state of uncertainty or perplexity |
(परस्पर दोषारोपण) countercharge; counter or mutual accusation; accusation brought by the accused against the accuser | |
(जुर्म) habitual return to crime; committing new offenses after being punished for crime | |
(विलक्षण) idealistic without regard to practicality | |
(बटेर) draw back, as with fear or pain; show fear |
(परस्पर दोषारोपण) countercharge; counter or mutual accusation; accusation brought by the accused against the accuser | |
(गहरा) deep; not superficial; far-reaching | |
(प्राप्तकर्ता) receiver; one that receives or is receptive | |
(raspy) made less dense of gas; elevated in character or style; lofty |