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Group 16 - Matching Quizzes |
(連隊) government; mode of ruling; rule; authority | |
(策略) trick; use of artifice or trickery; deceptive maneuver, especially to avoid capture | |
(リグ) manipulate dishonestly; make or construct in haste | |
(反乱) disloyal person; traitor or rebel |
(嫌悪) sudden strong change or reaction in feeling, especially a feeling of violent disgust | |
(無慈悲) pitiless; cruel; having no compassion or pity; merciless | |
(摂政は) ruling; governing; exercising vicarious authority; one who rules or reigns; governor; ruler | |
(ランデブー) meeting at a prearranged time and place; popular gathering place; prearranged meeting point for troops or ships |
(保存) keep; maintain possession of; hire by payment of a fee; keep in mind; remember | |
(恨み) indignation; deep sense of injury; strong displeasure | |
(静けさに夢中演出) translation, often interpretive; performance of a musical or dramatic work | |
(風刺) form of literature in which irony and ridicule are used to attack human vice and folly |
(反響) often indirect effect or result that is produced by an event or action; reflection, especially of sound | |
(反乱) disloyal person; traitor or rebel | |
(屈折) turning or bending of any wave, such as light or sound wave, when it passes from one medium into another of different optical density | |
(お祭り騒ぎ) merrymaking, especially, festivity or jollity |
(反響) often indirect effect or result that is produced by an event or action; reflection, especially of sound | |
(輝くは) dazzling; glorious; shining with brilliant luster; very bright | |
(再発) falling back into a former state, especially becoming worse | |
(リーガル) entertain; provide with great enjoyment |
(喚起) lively; vigorous; inducing enthusiasm or excitement; stirring | |
(叱責) reprove severely, especially in a formal or official way; rebuke formally; censure severely or angrily | |
(素朴な) typical of country life or country people; awkwardly simple and provincial; lacking refinement or elegance | |
(策略) trick; use of artifice or trickery; deceptive maneuver, especially to avoid capture |
(予約) lack of enthusiasm; skeptical caution; something saved for future use; self-restraint in expression | |
(返答) retort; comeback; answer to a reply | |
(嫌悪) sudden strong change or reaction in feeling, especially a feeling of violent disgust | |
(取り消し) cancel; make void; repeal or annul |
(味わう) appreciate fully; enjoy or relish; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality | |
(解像度) determination; resolving to do something; formal statement of a decision | |
(活性化) make young again; restore to youthful vigor or appearance | |
(輝くは) dazzling; glorious; shining with brilliant luster; very bright |
(取り消し) cancel; make void; repeal or annul | |
(摂政は) ruling; governing; exercising vicarious authority; one who rules or reigns; governor; ruler | |
(取り消し) void or annul by recalling, withdrawing, or reversing; cancel; retract | |
(検索) recover; find and bring in; get back |
(リグ) manipulate dishonestly; make or construct in haste | |
(輝くは) dazzling; glorious; shining with brilliant luster; very bright | |
(蘇生) restored to life; restore consciousness, vigor, or life to; revive | |
(セージ) one celebrated for wisdom, experience, and judgment; various plants of the genus Salvia |