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Group 19 - Matching Quizzes |
(谄媚的人,马屁精) person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving reasons; yes man | |
(吝啬鬼) one who is stingy or overly cautious or defensive with money; miser | |
(批准,确认) confirm; ratify; declare or make legally valid | |
(空前的) having no previous example; novel; unparalleled |
(弹道,轨迹,抛物线) path of other moving body through space; chosen or taken course | |
(不重要的) trivial; of slight worth or importance; frivolous or idle | |
(蒸发,汽化) turn into vapor, steam, gas, or fog; decrease rapidly and disappear | |
(象征,记号,纪念品,金属代币,礼券) something intended or supposed to represent another thing; sign or symbol; memorial of friendship |
(有毒的) poisonous; caused by a toxin or other poison | |
(吝啬鬼) one who is stingy or overly cautious or defensive with money; miser | |
(树干,大衣箱,躯干) stem, or body, of a tree; main stem, without the branches; body of animal apart from the head and limbs | |
(曲折的,蜿蜒的) marked by repeated turns or bends; winding or twisting; not straightforward; circuitous |
(冒险的) willing to try new things and take risks; bold | |
(弹道,轨迹,抛物线) path of other moving body through space; chosen or taken course | |
(平静,冷静) calmness; peace; freedom from disturbance or agitation | |
(贪污的) capable of being bribed; for sale, available for a price; corrupt |
(论文) systematic, usually extensive written discourse on a subject | |
(蒸发,汽化) turn into vapor, steam, gas, or fog; decrease rapidly and disappear | |
(崇敬) treat with great respect and deference; consider hallowed or be in awe of | |
(野蛮,粗鲁) aggressiveness; ferocity; ferociously cruel actions or behavior |
(吝啬鬼) one who is stingy or overly cautious or defensive with money; miser | |
(野蛮,粗鲁) aggressiveness; ferocity; ferociously cruel actions or behavior | |
(犹豫不定,踌躇不决) sway unsteadily from one side to the other; oscillate | |
(不合理的,不道德的,过度的) lacking conscience; greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation |
(野蛮,粗鲁) aggressiveness; ferocity; ferociously cruel actions or behavior | |
(曲折的,蜿蜒的) marked by repeated turns or bends; winding or twisting; not straightforward; circuitous | |
(复制) copy; write over again in same words | |
(真实性) undoubted or self-evident truth; obvious truth |
(暴躁的,难以处理的,易上火的) tending to take offense with slight cause; oversensitive; requiring special tact or skill in handling | |
(不重要的) trivial; of slight worth or importance; frivolous or idle | |
(树干,大衣箱,躯干) stem, or body, of a tree; main stem, without the branches; body of animal apart from the head and limbs | |
(谄媚的人,马屁精) person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving reasons; yes man |
(湍流,骚乱,动荡) state of violent agitation; eddying motion; unstable flow of a liquid or gas; state of violent disturbance and disorder | |
(批准,确认) confirm; ratify; declare or make legally valid | |
(运输,狂喜) carry from one place to another; carry away; deport | |
(论文) systematic, usually extensive written discourse on a subject |
(改变) change from one form, nature, substance, or state into another; transform | |
(蒸发,汽化) turn into vapor, steam, gas, or fog; decrease rapidly and disappear | |
(批准,确认) confirm; ratify; declare or make legally valid | |
(空前的) having no previous example; novel; unparalleled |