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Group 20 - Matching Quizzes |
(विषमय) extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter | |
(अपमानपूर्वक) marked by harsh spoken or written abuse; scolding | |
(वायरस) disease communicator; something that poisons one's soul or mind; program for unwanted actions in computer | |
(व्यवहार्य) practical or workable; capable of maintaining life; capable of continuing effectiveness |
(प्रचलन) popular fashion; current state or style of general acceptance and use | |
(विषमय) extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter | |
(अन्याय) change, especially in one's life or fortunes; regular change or succession of one thing to another; alternation | |
(लोमडी) female fox; a woman regarded as quarrelsome, shrewish, or malicious |
(ताना) rope used in moving a vessel, usually with one end attached to an anchor or other fixed object; towing line; state of being twisted or bent out of shape | |
(वान) having a pale or sickly color; unnaturally pale, as from physical or emotional distress | |
(होड़ करना) strive for victory or superiority; contend; compete | |
(अंकुर लपेटना) young offspring of a mammal, such as a dog or wolf; child or youth |
(मजदूरी) hazard on the event of a contest; stake; engage in, as a contest; adventure, or lay out, for hire or reward; hire; employ | |
(महत्वपूर्ण) full of life; animated; necessary to continued existence; living or breathing | |
(चिपचिपा) adhesive; gluey; covered with sticky or clammy coating | |
(भंवर) whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence; spiral motion of fluid within a limited area |
(डगमगाने) play or move to and fro; move one way and the other; swing; be unsettled in opinion | |
(दृष्टि) ability to see; sight; vivid mental image | |
(मजदूरी) hazard on the event of a contest; stake; engage in, as a contest; adventure, or lay out, for hire or reward; hire; employ | |
(tundra) roll in water, snow, or mud; indulge in; move with difficulty in clumsy manner; plunge into course or condition |
(अपमानपूर्वक) marked by harsh spoken or written abuse; scolding | |
(voyeur) viewer who enjoys seeing sex acts or sex organs of others | |
(दृष्टि) ability to see; sight; vivid mental image | |
(वार्ड) guard; defender; protector; state under guard; division of a county; division of a hospital |
(वॉली) flight of missiles; round of gunshots; tennis return made by hitting the ball before it bounces | |
(होड़ करना) strive for victory or superiority; contend; compete | |
(स्थूल) large in volume or bulk; large in number or quantity, especially of discourse | |
(उतारा) paddle; walk through relatively shallow water |
(प्रचंड) unrestrained; willfully malicious; immoral or unchaste | |
(बातूनी) fluent; glib; talkative; marked by ready flow of speech | |
(सावधान) very cautious; on guard; watchful | |
(वान) having a pale or sickly color; unnaturally pale, as from physical or emotional distress |
(उल्लंघन) treat in a violent manner; abuse; do violence to; disturb; interrupt | |
(वायरस) disease communicator; something that poisons one's soul or mind; program for unwanted actions in computer | |
(विभूषित करना) guarantee as safe; secure; promise or agree condescendingly, as a special favor; permit | |
(पौष्टिक) conducive to sound health or well-being; beneficial |
(अश्लील) common and coarse; relating to the common people with less cultivated or educated; lacking cultivation or refinement | |
(उल्लंघन) treat in a violent manner; abuse; do violence to; disturb; interrupt | |
(व्यवहार्य) practical or workable; capable of maintaining life; capable of continuing effectiveness | |
(प्रचलन) popular fashion; current state or style of general acceptance and use |