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Group 20 - Matching Quizzes |
(삽화) unbordered picture, often a portrait; decorative design placed at beginning or end of book or chapter; short literary sketch | |
(얼굴) face, countenance, or look of a person or an animal | |
(변천) change, especially in one's life or fortunes; regular change or succession of one thing to another; alternation | |
(호기심) move to and fro with a quick, jerking motion; bend rapidly, or with a wavering motion, from side to side |
(가상) existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact; existing in mind, especially as a product of imagination | |
(경계) attentive to discover and avoid danger, or to provide for safety; wakeful; watchful; circumspect; wary | |
(바이스) tool has two jaws to hold work piece firmly in place | |
(삽화) unbordered picture, often a portrait; decorative design placed at beginning or end of book or chapter; short literary sketch |
(감언 이설로 꾀다) cajole; coax; deceive by flattery | |
(우스 꽝스러운) witty, jocular, like a wag; humorous; tricky | |
(미덕) goodness, moral excellence; good quality | |
(여우야) female fox; a woman regarded as quarrelsome, shrewish, or malicious |
(신호기) cause to go gently and smoothly through air or over water | |
(생식) marked by energy and vigor; manly; able to copulate, as for male | |
(포기) give up temporarily; yield; give up voluntarily; defer | |
(바이스) tool has two jaws to hold work piece firmly in place |
(임금) hazard on the event of a contest; stake; engage in, as a contest; adventure, or lay out, for hire or reward; hire; employ | |
(생체) full of life; animated; necessary to continued existence; living or breathing | |
(여우야) female fox; a woman regarded as quarrelsome, shrewish, or malicious | |
(워프) rope used in moving a vessel, usually with one end attached to an anchor or other fixed object; towing line; state of being twisted or bent out of shape |
(웨이크) trail of ship or other object through water; path of something that has gone before | |
(휘발성) tending to vary often or widely, as in price; inconstant or fickle; tending to violence | |
(워프) rope used in moving a vessel, usually with one end attached to an anchor or other fixed object; towing line; state of being twisted or bent out of shape | |
(게걸스런) extremely poisonous or injurious snake; person regarded as malicious |
(생식) marked by energy and vigor; manly; able to copulate, as for male | |
(조례) decrease in size or strength; draw gradually to an end | |
(바이퍼 타오르는듯한 유독한) extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter | |
(왕성) ravenous; excessively greedy and grasping; devouring or craving food in great quantities |
(와동) whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence; spiral motion of fluid within a limited area | |
(부피) large in volume or bulk; large in number or quantity, especially of discourse | |
(신랄한) harsh or corrosive in tone; sarcastic; bitterly scathing | |
(취약) susceptible to wounds; capable of being wounded or hurt |
(우스 꽝스러운) witty, jocular, like a wag; humorous; tricky | |
(주름) a minor difficulty; a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface | |
(대리 만족인) acting as substitute; done by deputy; experienced at secondhand | |
(신호기) cause to go gently and smoothly through air or over water |
(포기) give up temporarily; yield; give up voluntarily; defer | |
(저속한) common and coarse; relating to the common people with less cultivated or educated; lacking cultivation or refinement | |
(여우야) female fox; a woman regarded as quarrelsome, shrewish, or malicious | |
(조례) decrease in size or strength; draw gradually to an end |