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Group 4 - Matching Quizzes |
(холерический) hot-tempered; easily angered; bad-tempered; expressing anger | |
(надуманный) artificially formal; obviously planned or calculated; not natural | |
(хозяйственная) a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee | |
(врожденных) present at birth; inborn; innate |
(сплоченности) tendency to keep together | |
(хихикать) call, as a hen to her chickens; fondle; cocker; laugh in a suppressed or broken manner | |
(снисходила) stoop or descend; let one's self down; submit; waive the privilege of rank or dignity | |
(тарелка) metal striker that hangs inside bell and makes sound by hitting side; someone who applauds |
(осмотрительнее) carefully aware of all circumstances; cautious | |
(чемпион) protect or fight for as first place | |
(совместимость) yielding to request or desire; ready to accommodate; disposed or willing to comply | |
(клика) small exclusive group of friends or associates |
(согласовываться) stick or hold together in a mass that resists separation | |
(возмездие) rebuke; punishment or retribution that one deserves; outcome which is justly deserved | |
(хихикать) call, as a hen to her chickens; fondle; cocker; laugh in a suppressed or broken manner | |
(расщелина) crack or crevice; a split or indentation between two parts, as of the chin |
(компаньонка) person, especially an older or married woman, who accompanies a young unmarried woman in public; a guide or companion to assist activity | |
(приписке) supplement or appendix, especially to a will | |
(надуманный) artificially formal; obviously planned or calculated; not natural | |
(клика) small exclusive group of friends or associates |
(соблюдения) readiness to yield; happy friendly agreement | |
(сгусток) thick, viscous, or coagulated mass or lump, as of blood; compact group | |
(концентрических) having a common center, circles of different size, one within another | |
(Чейз) pursue for the purpose of killing or taking; hunt; follow as if to catch |
(контингента) possible, or liable, but not certain, to occur; incidental; casual. | |
(кодифицировать) arrange laws, rules as a code; classify; arrange or systematize | |
(гипотезы) believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds | |
(приторной) distasteful because excessive; excessively sweet or sentimental |
(согласовываться) stick or hold together in a mass that resists separation | |
(клика) small exclusive group of friends or associates | |
(климатических) relating to the highest point; ascending or leading to climax | |
(обхода) surround an enemy; enclose or entrap; beat by cleverness and wit |
(целомудренной) morally pure in thought or conduct; decent and modest | |
(сопутствующих) in conjunction with; accompanying; associated with | |
(возмездие) rebuke; punishment or retribution that one deserves; outcome which is justly deserved | |
(кодифицировать) arrange laws, rules as a code; classify; arrange or systematize |
(спорных) quarrelsome; disagreeable; marked by heated arguments or controversy | |
(компенсационных) serving to compensate or as compensation; making amends; repaying | |
(Чейз) pursue for the purpose of killing or taking; hunt; follow as if to catch | |
(холерический) hot-tempered; easily angered; bad-tempered; expressing anger |