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Group 6 - Matching Quizzes |
(網羅) surround; form a circle or ring around; enclose; envelop | |
(ディスカウント) give reduction in price on | |
(スランプ) period of depression or unhappy listlessness; slack period; state of inactivity | |
(歌姫) female operatic singer or star |
(裁量は) knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress; trait of judging wisely and objectively | |
(抑えのきかないドロス) waste or impure matter; worthless, commonplace, or trivial matter | |
(カモ) easily deceived person; duplicate of photographic image | |
(溺愛) be excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline |
(嫌気) unwillingness; lack of inclination; mild aversion | |
(イヤリング) run away, or escape privately, from place or station to which one is bound by duty; run away with a lover | |
(耳障りに) not harmonious; conflicting; disagreeable in sound; harsh or dissonant | |
(厚かまし) shameless or brazen boldness; insolent and shameless audacity |
(反体制派) disagreeing, especially with a majority; rebellious | |
(論文) formal essay; paper written by candidate for doctoral degree at university | |
(転換) act of turning aside; pastime; activity that relaxes or entertains | |
(漏らす) reveal; make known to public |
(弾性) springing back; having the power of rebounding; able to return quickly to a former state or condition | |
(個別) definite; separate; different | |
(歌姫) female operatic singer or star | |
(格差) difference; condition or fact of being unequal, as in age, rank, or degree |
(歌姫) female operatic singer or star | |
(エンボス) mold or carve in relief; decorate with or as if with a raised design | |
(特徴) special; unique; marking or expressing distinction or difference | |
(哀歌) poem or song expressing lamentation; mournful poem |
(反体制派) disagreeing, especially with a majority; rebellious | |
(イヤリング) run away, or escape privately, from place or station to which one is bound by duty; run away with a lover | |
(歌姫) female operatic singer or star | |
(日食) darken; exceed in importance; outweigh |
(たわ言) nonsense; silly, unmeaning talk; servant; slave | |
(特徴) special; unique; marking or expressing distinction or difference | |
(転換) act of turning aside; pastime; activity that relaxes or entertains | |
(目の肥えた) exhibiting keen insight and good judgment; quick to understand |
(モバイル) move away from each other; cause to separate; cause to become widely known | |
(運命) judgment; judicial sentence; penal decree; condemnation | |
(漏らす) reveal; make known to public | |
(消費) spend or expend wastefully; vanish by dispersion; drive away; disperse |
(スランプ) period of depression or unhappy listlessness; slack period; state of inactivity | |
(消費) spend or expend wastefully; vanish by dispersion; drive away; disperse | |
(却下) stop considering; end employment or service of; discharge; refuse to accept or recognize | |
(反体制派) disagreeing, especially with a majority; rebellious |