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Group 6 - Matching Quizzes |
(اترنے) go ashore from ship; unload cargo from ship; leave a vehicle or aircraft | |
(ومن) bring up and expel from throat or stomach; vomit; discharge or pour forth contents | |
(بالواسطہ) distinguishable; perceptible; capable of being seen or noticed | |
(انزال) act of throwing or shooting out; darting or casting forth; uttering of exclamations, or of brief exclamatory phrases |
(مخالف) disagreeing, especially with a majority; rebellious | |
(سمجھدار) exhibiting keen insight and good judgment; quick to understand | |
(منتشر) move away from each other; cause to separate; cause to become widely known | |
(disconsolate) sad; cheerless; gloomy; hopeless or not expecting |
(disconsolate) sad; cheerless; gloomy; hopeless or not expecting | |
(احاطے) country or part of a country lying wholly within boundaries of another | |
(آندھی) very thin especially from disease or hunger | |
(بارگرست) burden; put a heavy load on; load with debts, or other legal claims |
(گلے) hug; adopt or espouse; accept readily; hold close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection | |
(سفير) agent sent on a mission to represent or advance the interests of another | |
(droll) queer; amusingly odd; comical | |
(کلہ) conflict; lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things |
(disinter) dig up; unearth; dig up or remove from grave or tomb; bring to public notice | |
(مدت) length of time something lasts | |
(حذفیہ) omission of words from text; mark or series of marks used in writing to indicate omission | |
(انزال) act of throwing or shooting out; darting or casting forth; uttering of exclamations, or of brief exclamatory phrases |
(اسماتا) difference; condition or fact of being unequal, as in age, rank, or degree | |
(بارگرست) burden; put a heavy load on; load with debts, or other legal claims | |
(انزال) act of throwing or shooting out; darting or casting forth; uttering of exclamations, or of brief exclamatory phrases | |
(یومیہ) daily; relating to or occurring in a 24-hour period |
(واکپٹوتا) powerful and effective language; persuasive speech | |
(مدت) length of time something lasts | |
(موت کی سزا) act of sending off something; property of being prompt and efficient; message usually sent in haste | |
(بدبداہٹ) inner excitement or exuberance; process of bubbling as gas escapes |
(بازی) distribute; spread; scatter like seeds | |
(دستاویز) provide written evidence; record in detail | |
(اقتصادی) efficient use of resources; reduction in cost; specific type of economic system | |
(eerie) suggestive of the supernatural; mysterious |
(مدت) length of time something lasts | |
(سمجھدار) exhibiting keen insight and good judgment; quick to understand | |
(disinter) dig up; unearth; dig up or remove from grave or tomb; bring to public notice | |
(drab) dull; lacking color; lacking in liveliness, charm, or surprise |
(الگ) definite; separate; different | |
(اقتصادی) efficient use of resources; reduction in cost; specific type of economic system | |
(واکپٹوتا) powerful and effective language; persuasive speech | |
(dour) stubbornly unyielding; marked by sternness or harshness |