5000 Words Level 1 - 2 - Spelling Practices

(1) n. swirling current of water, air; flow in a circular current

(2) n. a group or class of persons enjoying the superior intellectual or social, or economic status

(3) n. one who conducts someone as an attendant; guard; protection, care, or safeguard on a journey

(4) a. from another part of the world; foreign; strikingly strange or unusual

(5) a. no longer existing or living; vanished; dead

(6) n. a fortified defensive structure; permanent army post

(7) n. segment; fragment; a small proportion of

(8) a. easy to destroy, delicate, not strong

(9) n. the air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement, especially when delusively alluring; a magic spell

(10) v. utter a deep guttural sound, like an angry dog; give forth an angry, grumbling sound; emit low guttural sound