5000 Words Level 2 - 2 - Spelling Practices

(1) v. use power or the ability to make something happen; apply; exercise

(2) v. obtain from another by coercion; get money by threats

(3) a. fierce; savage; wild; indicating cruelty

(4) a. pertaining to the public treasury or revenue; revenue

(5) v. bend; move by muscular control; exhibit or show off the strength of

(6) n. any article of clothing, as coat or gown

(7) v. stuff oneself; overeat; make a pig of oneself

(8) n. an artificial barrier, variously constructed, over which men or horses jump in a race; perceived obstacle

(9) n. song of praise or adoration, especially a religious ode, a sacred lyric

(10) n. supervening of sleep; production of sleep; hypnotic state; hypnotism