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(अंतर्निहित) implied or understood though not directly expressed

Spelling Word: implicit
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(अनजाने) unintentionally; without knowledge or intention; carelessly

Spelling Word: inadvertently
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(अवतार) embodied in human form; invested with bodily nature and form

Spelling Word: incarnate
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(निरंतर) uninterrupted; unceasing; continuing without interruption

Spelling Word: incessant
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(असुधार्य) not correctable; difficult or impossible to control or manage

Spelling Word: incorrigible
Read [Esc] (6)
(रोष) anger aroused by something unjust

Spelling Word: indignation
Read [Esc] (7)
(प्रेरित) persuade; bring about; reason or establish by induction

Spelling Word: induce
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(अयोग्य) lacking of judgment, sense, or reason; unsuited; inappropriate; foolish

Spelling Word: inept
Read [Esc] (9)
(राक्षसी) pertaining to hell; devilish; abominable; awful

Spelling Word: infernal
Read [Esc] (10)
(आरंभ) begin; originate; admit into membership

Spelling Word: initiate